// MOON_DLC_Local.js

* @plugindesc Insecure method of obtaining DLC information, but it works.
* @author Anton Uklein
* *
* @help Remember to have a DLC folder in your game directory to make this work!
* Please note that this is supposed to be an internal plugin, so it has
* almost no error correction involved in any way,
* and your project might break if called improperly.
* Call a Script DLC_Check() to check for all the variables in the array
* dlc_filenames.
* If you call it this way, it checks for ALL the files at once
* and flips switches in the order the files are detected, starting at 100.
* Alternatively, you can call a Script
* DLC_CheckS(filename, switchValue),
* which will look for a file with the name that's
* the same as filename, and set the switch at switchValue
* to true or false, depending on whether or not it's found.
* Note that filenames do not have to end in .txt and
* switchValue begins with a 1, not a 0.
* @param dlc_filenames
* @type Text
* @text DLC
* @desc Load your dlc filenames here!
* @default

(function() {

//Thanks to gotofritz and Ilyich from StackOverflow
//for this nice and clean regex solution!
function extractAllText(str){
const re = /"(.*?)"/g;
const result = ;
var current;
while (current = re.exec(str)) {
return result.length > 0
? result
: ;

DLC_CheckS = function(str, switchv) {
var textArray = extractAllText(str);

var fs = require('fs');
var path = process.mainModule.filename;
var ret = path.replace('index.html','');
var files = fs.readdirSync(ret);
for (i in textArray)
if(fs.existsSync(ret + "dlc/" + textArray)) {
//console.log("Detected " + textArray);
$gameSwitches.setValue(parseInt(switchv), true);
else {
//console.log("Not detected " + textArray);
$gameSwitches.setValue(parseInt(switchv), false);
return true;

DLC_Check = function() {
var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('MOON_DLC_LOCAL');
var textArray = extractAllText(String(parameters));

var fs = require('fs');
var path = process.mainModule.filename;
var ret = path.replace('index.html','');
var files = fs.readdirSync(ret);
for (i in textArray)
if(fs.existsSync(ret + "dlc/" + textArray)) {
//console.log("Detected " + textArray);
$gameSwitches.setValue(100 + parseInt(i), true);
else {
//console.log("Not detected " + textArray);
$gameSwitches.setValue(100 + parseInt(i), false);
return true;
