Title Source Info
JSON Encoder/Decoder
Easily decode JSON into Ruby objects and vica versa.
02/28/2012 11:36 PM
Sacrifice HP
Skills and items can cost HP
02/26/2012 08:56 PM
Emerald's Equipment Sets
Just as the name implies, allows you to create equipment sets
02/11/2012 06:40 PM
Job Profficiency and Rewards
A script which creates variables to use with evented jobs
02/11/2012 06:34 PM
Shop Taxes VX Ace
A simple script which allows you to easily make taxes and discounts
02/11/2012 06:32 PM
Quick Travel
This script allows you to set quick travel locations on map.
02/11/2012 06:57 AM
Battleback Stretch
This script stretches the battlebacks for battle to the size of the screen.
02/11/2012 06:53 AM
Cutscene Skip
A script that allows you to skip evented cutscenes.
02/11/2012 06:48 AM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Follow-Up Skills
Skills used after skills!
02/05/2012 07:17 PM
Yami Scripts Ace - Spread State
Infects target's states.
02/02/2012 01:41 PM
Yami Scripts Ace - Anti-lag Event
Reduce fps dropping.
02/02/2012 01:38 PM
Yami Scripts Ace - Order Gauge
Order gauge for Ace!
02/02/2012 01:34 PM
Yami Scripts Ace - Charge Turn Battle
CTB for VX Ace!
02/02/2012 01:30 PM
Yami Scripts Ace - Classical Active Time Battle
Wanna ATB script for Ace?
02/02/2012 08:34 AM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Active Battle Advantage
Give players control over their battle advantage.
02/02/2012 02:41 AM
Alert Box with HOTween
A component that tries to imitate UIAlertView from iOS SDK
01/29/2012 08:59 AM
Yanfly Engine Ace - LPP Empower
Lunatic Parameters Package
01/26/2012 09:23 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Lunatic Parameters
For advanced users.
01/26/2012 09:22 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Parameter Bonus Growth
Equips that increase stat growth rate upon level up? Yes please.
01/25/2012 05:27 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Death Common Event
Actors, classes, and enemies can run common events upon dying.
01/24/2012 05:52 PM