Title Source Info
Weather on title screen
Displays weather effects on the title screen
02/12/2021 01:26 AM
Super Simple Menu
A Clean one-person menu
09/16/2016 12:40 PM
Super Menu Upgrade
Update your menu with this special script, it adds all sorts of things.
12/07/2015 08:39 PM
More Informative Saves
Customizable save slots capable of holding all sorts of game data.
12/05/2015 03:55 PM
Basic Non-Combat Menu
A fully customizable menu geared toward less battle-oriented games.
09/13/2015 01:54 AM
Equipment Performance Enhanced
Give weights to equipment features that will be considered when optimising equipment.
04/20/2015 10:35 PM
Expanded Actor Menu
It removes Status, Formation options from menu, and shows all actor’s info on the main screen.
01/05/2015 12:21 PM
Item Menu Only Script
Edits the menu to open to the item menu and adds items, key items, save, and game end options.
04/09/2013 02:07 AM
Chapter Indicator
Show the chapter/episode the player is currently in.
02/15/2013 11:06 PM
Combat-less, inventory-less UI
Not every story features combat. This script removes combat and inventory from the game UI.
01/23/2013 04:53 PM
Retcon Library: draw_text Word Wrap Function
Modifies the draw_text function to word wrap around a drawn text box
01/18/2013 09:45 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Menu Cursor
Cursor for your menus.
01/17/2012 04:18 AM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Common Event Shop
Buy common events!
01/14/2012 02:29 AM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Shop Options
A more visually appealing shop with the ability to add in custom commands.
01/03/2012 09:37 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Item Menu
Item Menu change~
01/03/2012 04:50 AM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Skill Menu
Skill menu organizer
01/02/2012 09:07 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Enemy Target Info
Add-On to YEA - Ace Battle Engine
12/29/2011 11:53 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Event Window
A small little window to indicate what items were picked up.
12/26/2011 04:32 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Rename Actor
Add-On to YEA - Ace Status Menu
12/26/2011 04:23 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Status Menu
A new status menu layout.
12/26/2011 04:18 PM
Pages: first 12 next last

Filter By Engine

Adventure Game Studio
Dragon Ruby
Eclipse Engine
Game Maker Studio
GameMaker Studio 2
Pixel Game Maker MV
RPG Maker MV
RPG Maker MZ
RPG Maker VX
RPG Maker VX Ace
RPG Maker XP
RPG Paper Maker
SRPG Studio
Visual Novel Maker

Script Categories

Battle Systems
Modifications, enhancements or replacements for the default battle system
Bug Fixes
Fixes to the default scripts
Custom Scenes and Windows
Addition of new scenes or features, or modification to non-menu/non-battle scenes
Database Systems
Modifications or enhancements to database elements, such as skills, actors, equipment, states, etc...
Event Systems
Modifications or enhancements to events, event commands, characters or vehicles, character movement, or mini-games
Graphical/Audio Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the graphical or audio systems
Map Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the map scene, such as HUDs, fogs, tiles, parallaxes/backgrounds or onscreen display
Menu Systems
Modifications to the graphical and/or functional layout of the default menu scenes
Message Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the default message system
A script that does not conform to the other categories
Script Compilation/Library
A compilation of several inter-related scripts
Scripting Tools
Tools for aiding in the development of scripts
Technical Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the engine itself