Let me show you how to map natural areas in a more natural way.

  • Liberty
  • 10/12/2014 05:39 AM

Natural mapping can be a hard skill to grasp. Often you'll find your areas looking a bit bland and empty or over-detailed and getting the right balance while still making the maps interesting can be annoying. Let me share a few tips and tricks I've learned over the years!

A quick round-up of what you'll find in this video:
- How to make more natural lines (trees, cliffs, water)
- How to decorate your areas so that they're interesting but not overly decorated
- Using white space and what it is
- Enhancing your autotile usage with Shift Mapping
- How to start with a forest, maze or cliff area
- Heights
- Pathing and more

It is my hope that you come away with more ideas and information than you had when you first started watching.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


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  • [quote author=kirito][/quote]
I have no idea what you're trying to say, buddy. >.<'
The tutorial helped me a lot, thanks! :)
Pages: 1