The Title Says It All

This Is How To Make A Horse Ride
1.Create One Switch For When He Is Riding The Horse
2.Create 5 Variables (Player X, Player Y, Horse X, Horse Y, Riding Key)
3. Create An Event With A Horse Graphic And Call The Event "Horse"(A Horse By Itself)
4.Put In These Actions:
<>Change Sprite Association: The Main Hero Riding The Horse
<>Switch The Riding Switch ON
5. Create A New Event Page And Put Its Condition As The Riding Switch ON
6.Create A Common Event And Call It Riding The Horse Or What Ever You Prefer
7.Make It Parallel Process And Trigger Riding Switch
8.Follow What I Do:

<>Key Input Proc.: (Uncheck All Apart From The Desicion Key)
<>Branch If Var.: is 5
<>Variable Set, Var. 's Value
<>Variable Set, Var. 's Value
<>Variable Set, Hero X Coord.
<>Variable Set, Hero Y Coord.
<>Change Event Location; Horse (V,V)
<>Branch If Hero Up Facing
<>Move Event: Horse, Face Up
:Else Handler
<>Branch If Hero Right Facing
<>Move Event: Horse, Face Right
:Else Handler
<>Branch If Hero Down Facing
<>Move Event: Horse, Face Down
:Else Handler
<>Branch If Hero Left Facing
<>Move Event: Horse, Face Left
<>Change Sprite Association: Hero Back To Normal
<>Switch Riding Switch Off
:Else Handler

This Should Work If It Doesn't The Tell Me What Is Wrong


Pages: 1
why can't all tutorials have videos like this!
Such visual tutorials helps 100 times better than other ones to understand.

Pressure cleaning roof Margate
Such visual tutorials helps 100 times better than other ones to understand.

Pressure cleaning roof Margate

I made something like this but for drive a tank, with support for fire! lol
easier way take a thing already in game for example the skiff *i never use it* and make it the thing you want thing go to database terrain and mark skiff pass on the ones you want then make one called mountain and then go to tiles and find the mountain part and make it the same id as mountains in the terrain area in my case 11 and there you go i now have a chocobo that works on land and not water :D
easier way take a thing already in game for example the skiff *i never use it* and make it the thing you want thing go to database terrain and mark skiff pass on the ones you want then make one called mountain and then go to tiles and find the mountain part and make it the same id as mountains in the terrain area in my case 11 and there you go i now have a chocobo that works on land and not water :D
oh yeah i realised it when u said there is the way...:D
thanks for telling me

BIG smiley face -> :D
Pages: 1