

Report a Glitch/Bug

Thanks, buddy....................................so..................when is more???????
Well, I had some other projects I was working on, so I didn't work so much on Dungeon Hero. But im gonna work more on it now.

Report a Glitch/Bug

You have always been able to transfer save files, just drag it over to another (NEWER) update.

"When am I going to be able to go into other areas and further the game?"
The next update is an expansion update, wich means I will focus on expanding the map, it may take some time tough.

"Will my cat ever be able to wear any armor or use weapons?"
This is a planned feature, im working on cat armor and cat claws. As you can see your cat already has an item eqquiped, "Cat claws" or "Normal Cat Claws".

"Does killing the volcano demon give anything worth dying over and over for?"
Not really, just alot of XP and GP and... um... Coal and ashes...

Report a Glitch/Bug

I have bought MORE skills that dont show up and the Eve still cant use any spells....$500 per spell is expensive in any case for them not to even show up on the screen.

Fighting book 1 gives defense
Vampire spell doesnt work
Triple attack was bought but no one has it.
So on and so on.
Yeah, the spell system is pretty unstable at the moment, im planning to re-add classes now that im better at making classes
Fighting book 1 is meant to give defense

Report a Glitch/Bug

Ok...,.I have a spell book II. I bought 4 spells but have no idea how to equip them.
They should be equiped automatically...
But anyways, im planning to re-add the class system again since now im more familiar with how to make classes.

Report a Glitch/Bug

I can't play this game because I get an error message on the title screen that says, "Unable to find file, The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Main Theme - Real full version HQ" :( I downloaded version 1.4.0

Okay, I know excactly how to fix it!

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Oh no! I have to patch the game!

Report a Glitch/Bug

If you fight the guy with rabbit problem he wont show on the fight screen and you get nothing.
You can recruit Isabelle over and over even though it wont show.
If there is no class system now, you might just remove it if possible.

The talk, kill or nothing spot....sometimes it says nothng w/o the I.
I learned two skills...dual and double attack but neither show anywhere.
The peasants face is so indistinct....could you give it some definition?
I am at LV8 and cant use any skills or magics. Neither my guy or Isabelle.
I got mining LV2 but it doesnt show up.

The Isabelle GLitch Is fixed in 0.9
I can't really see what's wrong when I try to kill the farmer...
Isabelle's class is removed in 0.9
Im gonna add a shop/TrainingGround were you can train and learn skills...
Im Gonna try to fix the mining LvL glitch in 1.0 because mining LvL doesen't make sense at the moment...
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