I used to be a donut of the Silver variety

Then I became an Addit



CYKAS Anti-Piracy Screen

I see that you too have also joined in the anti-piracy craze. Lol, nice!

(Wait, we get paid for making fangames!?)

Battle Test (Original Soundtracks)

Now THAT’S much better than before.

I actually really like the boss battle theme and what you used for the menu confirmation sound effect. Everything else looks pretty good so far too. Keep up the good work! I'll be checking up on this every once in a while, okay?

Battle Test Presentation

What’s up with the strange music selection for this demonstration video anyway; it sounds like something out of a company recruitment video. And how come you’re not showing this off with any sound effects in the background either? Is this song going to be in the game as well??? Either way, this just seems like a strange choice to me to not include all of those things in it to show it off.

First off, I do like how the flowers scatter about when the enemy comes out of the shrubs to meet and greet the hero, as it’s a nice looking effect before going into battle. And the map of the forest isn’t too shabby either. The battle H.U.D. is quite nice and looks quite clean to me, although I don’t know if I like the idea of having two different indicators for a current action and a turn action, as it’s probably best to just have one altogether (although I do admit that you get kind of used to this the more that you look at the demonstration video, so it’s probably fine). Also, I do like the zoom-in effect at @ 2:04 of the video when the hero goes in for an attack. I know I’ve seen this script or technique used before somewhere in other RM games, but I can’t remember where exactly…

It’s a shame about the music selection being used here because it almost completely makes the whole video rather unbearable to watch because of it, as this is a nice looking game with a pretty decent battle system overall. Yeah, nothing too special at the moment about it...but that’s okay.

I hope you can show more of this game off in real time with everything included in it in the future, as I do wanna see more of it myself.

Final Title Scren

I'm going to have to agree with Addit on this one.

Well, glad to know that I’m not the only one here who doesn’t like the new look. Yay for indifference! :D

But, yeah, you’re right, UPRC; you can’t please everybody in the world. If you think the new title page looks great and fits in with what’s going on with the underlying theme and stuff and everyone else here besides Liberty and I seem to like it, then all the power to you. Besides, it’s just a title screen. You end up staring at it for sixteen seconds anyway before hitting the new game / continue option, so it really isn’t a big deal to get all worked up over, as I’m still gonna play it regardless of what you do because I enjoyed the first game so much.

@ Corfaisus - Isn’t the font more along the lines of what they used in something like Final Fantasy 8?

Either way, I think it looks fine just the way it is.

Final Title Scren

I dunno, I kinda like the original title screen a lot more than this new one you got here now. I mean, the original title screen (this one) looked absolutely fantastic and not only did it have the proper windowskin to go along with it as well but it also had the same matching logo and font patterns of what you would usually see in a Final Fantasy game that made it look absolutely professional upon viewing it, but the music that also accompanied with it as well was great, and it totally set you up quite nicely for the tone of the adventure ahead. This one, however, well…it kind of feels like I’m playing something completely different due to everything that’s going on with it, especially with the music (no offence to the composer behind the track), because when I hear a track like that in action it doesn’t scream to me that I’m playing a Final Fantasy fangame whilst listening to it, it sounds more like something that I would probably hear in a horror / suspense game more than anything.

But I guess if there’s one thing that I like about this new title screen over the old one is probably that finger icon and how it animates and scrolls up and down along with the cursor. It looks neat. That I like.

Jo's Digital Painting Tutorial featuring Clark!

Jesus - the man knows what he’s doin’!

You sound like a pretty amazing, very informative art teacher that sounds like he teaches at a local art college course somewhere, JosephSeraph. I rather enjoyed this; it was pretty insightful to watch... Plus I've never heard your actual voice before until just now - so that was pretty cool to hear!

LandTraveller OST - 4 - Battle

Ooo, I really like it. Kind of sounds like it reminds me a lot like the old Mega Man Gameboy games that I used to play back then when I was a kid. It definitely has that 8-bit, chiptune sort of vibe going on for it that I really appreciate. Good stuff.

New Title Screen

Now that you mention it, I CAN hear something in the background quite faintly, but only if I jack up my headphone speakers to maximum…so I guess you’re right about there being music in there; it’s just that I can’t hear it that much because of your damn video recording software. (What do you use, anyway?)

And so you are deciding to go back and add-in and fix some stuff that you couldn’t do the first time, huh? Well, well, well – doesn’t this sound awfully familiar to me and a lot of other poor saps that also took the plunge! But hopefully unlike myself, which has taken an awfully long time to complete and get finished *cough, cough* - hopefully this won’t take you nearly as long to do unlike my poor, poor excuse of a game. I wonder if you’ll eventually learn a lesson, like I have, where, although it’s nice to see your game have a lot more content, get rid of any bugs that are there, clean up some menus and junk and whatever, and it may be better than the previous version, you’ll eventually realize that maybe it was all just for the best to just leave this game alone and be happy that your game got finished and did the best that it could be in the first place. Besides, I thought Erayu was fine just the way it was, but I guess you can’t fight the developer’s drive to make it a lot better.

- And whaddya mean that “some of the puzzles sucked?” I thought most of them were pretty good, so stop doubting yourself. ^^

New Title Screen

Wait…I thought that you were done with this game. Are you just planning on going back a bit and tinkering with some things or just completely remaking Erayu from scratch again? (Please don’t tell me that you’re planning on remaking it from scratch again - you just finished!!! *shakes*)

I do like the new title screen, though, but the old one wasn’t too bad from what I remembered. There’s no title logo here or any music (that I can hear of) as of yet, so I’m guessing this is still a WIP??? Either way, not too bad. ^^

Animated Title Screen (New)

Oh, so that was supposed to be an axe all along? Lol - I never would have guessed that! I thought that they were wings, or at least a shield.

And that looks a LOT better than the original portrait. I even like how the axe has been touched up now with some more additional details than before. Very, very nice.

Although the underwear armor will be indeed missed over time - I think this is probably for the best for ol' Shango. ^^