Touhou <3
The Forest Trail
"I beg of you, do not stay out after dark"



Custom weather?

I was wondering if I could possibly make custom weather animations for my game, but I can't seem to find any images, animations or well... anything for the weather that is built into VX Ace (Snow, rain and storm) so I have no idea what to do when I actually make a weather effect, neither do I know the dimensions that the animation/picture is meant to be. Can someone help?

Need Sprites :3

I did two of them, but I'm suddenly very sleepy and have lost the will to continue. XD If anyone wants to pick it back up, feel free. I may even continue with these once I stop feeling so damn tired, but that might take a while.

They're awesome :D Thanks for doing what you can :)

Need Sprites :3

I need help making downed and sleeping sprites for characters for my game. I'm hoping someone will help :3

RMN Smart Phone app?

This I a good idea, mainly because my computers broken an I can't upload any pictures of my Progress (since I'm using my iPods notes thingy to do work) so mobile compatability would be nice :)

[Request] Need help, please? [CLOSED]

Yet another edit: I made the state numbers 3 digits (002) but still it never worked. What I basically want is a HP critical state and after the battle any characters in the HP Critical state say something like "Oh no Im bleeding pretty bad"
If all you want is for characters to say something if they are at critical health, that's something totally different. I'd say it depends on what kind of scripts and/or events you're using, and if your encounters are on-touch encounters. If you're using the default engine, and touch encounters, you could compare HP versus MAXHP after the Battle Processing event. Then, have the character do the line about hurting under the appropriate condition. If there's code in place where characters have end-of-battle quotes, you'd tack on a "critical health" case.

It might take some work with variables, and conditional branches, and lots and lots of playtesting, but it should be possible!

My original method of work was on touch encounters with in-battle events that had the character say they were in critical HP (like the screenshot for crests of hope) so I guess the easiest way would just to continue doing it that way, thanks though GreatRedSpirit, and thanks Marrend for letting me say this thread is closed

[Request] Need help, please? [CLOSED]

The quick and dirty version is something like this:
class Game_Battler # (change this to Game_Actor < Game_Battler if this applied to the player only)

  alias hp_old hp= unless $@
  def hp=(value)
    # Calculate the threshold that adds/removes the state
    threshold = param_max(0) * 0.3
    # When the player moved below the threshold add the state
    add_state(##) if (@hp > threshold and value <= threshold)
    # When the player moves outside the threshold remove the state
    remove_state(##) if (@hp <= threshold and value > threshold)
    # Call the original method to apply the HP change
With ## being the state ID you wish to apply/remove. Untested, it's really late and I'm running on a piece of beef pie I ate six hours ago
It looks a tad confusing but I kinda understand what to do, since Ive used a script where I just need to add numbers etc before
Thanks for trying even if it doesnt work :D

Edit: I changed the script to suit my needs and did it someting like this:
class Game_Battler # (change this to Game_Actor < Game_Battler if this applied to the player only)

alias hp_old hp= unless $@
def hp=(value)
# Calculate the threshold that adds/removes the state
threshold = param_max(100) * 0.3
# When the player moved below the threshold add the state
add_state(02) if (@hp > threshold and value <= threshold)
# When the player moves outside the threshold remove the state
remove_state(02) if (@hp <= threshold and value > threshold)
# Call the original method to apply the HP change

The line that says threshold = param_max(100) * 0.3 means at 30%, right??
And the: remove_state(02) if (@hp <= threshold and value > threshold) only needs the state number? Thats what I done

Anyway, Im off to test it now

Edit: I think I need to do more to the script to make it work

Yet another edit: I made the state numbers 3 digits (002) but still it never worked. What I basically want is a HP critical state and after the battle any characters in the HP Critical state say something like "Oh no Im bleeding pretty bad"

[Request] Need help, please? [CLOSED]

Seems to me there should be some check somewhere. Like "if self.hp < self.maxhp * .3". Or something like that. I'm not exactly sure where this code would go, however.

It never worked :(

[Request] Need help, please? [CLOSED]

XP, VX, or VX Ace?

Doing this with battle events is probably easier

VX Ace, sorry, and since Ace makes troops for you, I dont want to be making lotsa troops if I don't need to, I just need to know some scripting basically

[Request] Need help, please? [CLOSED]

I need help to make a state to automattically activate if an actors HP is less than 30% of their max HP.
I tried making a script for it that said
if Actor @hp <30% add_new_state
but since I have absolutely NO IDEA how to make scripts it obviously never worked, so now Im here after trying for about an hour, so if any scripter can help, I would appreciate it very much.

VX Ace script request ~ Please reply

For VX Ace I seen a tutorial for skill trees using simple events, well, I wanted to expand on that idea. When a character levels up, I want them to obtain an item (skill points, skill crystals or whatever) that lets them level up their skills, as I do not wish to have money deciding skills, because I want people to be limited to having so many skills by the time they fully level up (possibly only 1 or 2 skill trees fully completed) but I just don't know how to do that since I cant make scripts from nothing like quite a lot of people can.
So if anyone is reading this, please help me.
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