Would you rather be famous for making horrid games, or unnoticed for making amazing games?


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Yup, one of those questions. I would want to be unnoticed, because that way I wouldn't be EA or Activision.
Which ever one gets me laid.

So neither.
As long as I create freely whatever I want, I honestly wouldn't care.

However, I will say that I rather be making things that I want to be happy with, ergo the former situation will probably cause me torment in that regard.
The last, because at least I could be proud of my creations, even if no-one else knows of them.
Definitely #2. At least my friends and I could play my awesome games even if the Internet doesn't.
I couldn’t handle any of the publicity, so I choose the second option.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I couldn’t handle any of the publicity, so I choose the second option.

Probably this for me.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
I don't care about fame. I don't even care about players. The reason I make games is because games are worth making. They have an inherent value, like honesty or freedom or buffalo sauce, that's worth fighting for even if people hate you for it.

I would gladly go to war to protect game development!
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