I'm new to making RPGs and just games in general. I've always had a love for them, so I'll have to start somewhere you know? No we are not gone, we were disabled from commenting on our own threads. We are not mad about the feedback, we're mad because you talk shit like we know nothing and want to do nothing, we have started the game we have basic knowledge of what to do with making a game. We are however annoyed that you let other people go through using the basic VX Ace character models as well as the basic tile sets and it's perfectly fine for them to do so but not us.
So please keep thinking you are going to stop us from doing what we intend on doing. We will not be silenced by you. Talk your shit you're only making us famous.



Button Common Events

I uncomplicated it thank you! Sorry for being really stupid in this moment. >_<

Button Common Events

How would I open and close a text box? I've never done this before in a common event for dialogue. I used something similar to make a custom menu but not dialogue which is why I'm probably confused and making this more complicated than it should be.

[VX Ace] Message system

could someone explain how to close and open a text box?

Button Common Events

Thank you LockeZ!

Button Common Events

RPG Maker VX Ace I could use that but that's where I get confused, how could I set it up to get rid of it when the button is pressed? it will stack the photos on top of each other and that's what I'm having a problem with

Button Common Events

SO I'm trying to figure out how to make a common even to have a dialogue come up and I want it to look similar to those in Mad Father but I'm not sure what scripts I'd need to input in order to have the image be on the screen but not have the simple face in the chat dialogue.

[RMVX ACE] Does anyone know how to change the text/character portrait look?

okay thank you! I will try that. :)

[RMVX ACE] Does anyone know how to change the text/character portrait look?

Here's an example. I have everything I need for my characters already I just need to figure out how to make it look more on the screen than the tiny square in the text window.

[RMVX ACE] Does anyone know how to change the text/character portrait look?

I have character portraits but I don't know how to add them properly. (kind of in the style of how Mad Father had the character portraits/text combination.) I am confused on how to do this and if you know could you please teach me?

Phase One Complete

Kami The WolfBoy: I'm one of the people working on the game, and I just logged on to see what was up. My thing is, everyone has to start somewhere. When I said that we were making a game from scratch, I meant it. It took us over an hour just to get our original characters to work (We used Loose Leaf as a blueprint and edited the finished product in Photoshop), and any REAL artist knows it is about hard work rather than living up to the flashy expectations of some rude bottom feeders waiting to use some aspiring artists as a step stool to elevate themselves. I enjoy constructive criticism, but none of the posts above were that. From what I can tell, you are the "You did it wrong" & "You are a failure" type rather than the "Try doing this instead" type. Did anyone ever stop and think this wasn't about being the best? That it was about bringing strangers together to have fun and build something that was beautiful to us? No one except us has seen the actual script I wrote out, and this game is going to end up darker than the last of us. So I'm going to console my associate, then we and the team we have so far are going to have fun creating something that is beautiful to US instead of exposing it to people that are only going to compare it to something else rather than sticking around to see past the cover.
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