I'm a hobbyist game maker. I like making games as both a hobby and a challenge. I'm currently trying to make a game using the Linear Motion Battle System similar to Tales of Eternia. If you are interested, check out my youtube of the progress! Located here:

I also dabble in programing software and I've made some nifty utilities but my best one so far is a Save Editor for Final Fantasy XII. Get it here:
Legend of Vanadia
A tale of adventure and exploration.



Final Fantasy Dreams Review

Ok, I see where you guys are getting at. I'll try and fix any remaining bugs I can find and reupload the game. Anyone still having bugs can PM me the details how they got them and what the bug does.

Legend of Vanadia

Hi guys, didn't know you guys still came to this page, thanks :) Just to update you, I lost all motivation because I couldn't find anyone to help with mapping, chipsets and other stuff, I've got the coding part down, everything programming wise is done but there is no content to make the game with, and I also don't have time either so.... yeah. All I do nowdays is go back to rpgmaker and rework the stuff I already made, instead of making new levels, enemies etc...

Scary Movie

We have some zombieland shit now that we'll probably not release out of context (ie outside of this event) so I'll post it even if it's not in the running or whatever.

Scary Movie

Me and nessiah started literally 1 week ago (hence the team name xD) But I don't think we can finish it in time...

Scary Movie

Is it just me or does adding users cause an error?


Doing Zombieland.

double edit:

the font color in the table above is HORRIBLE. Should be white :p


Thats it. Now I'm posting MY rm2k3 pong .

Changing passwords

I only noticed it because currently I AM sitting on a public PC and thought I'd change my password for some reason. At home though I never log out of RMN so never noticed it.

Changing passwords

I just noticed that when you want to change your password, all you have to do is put in your new one and it is changed. Shouldn't it ask for the current one before changing too? What if you logged on from a public pc and forgot to log off and someone changed your password :o

RMN Toolbar

I'm not trolling buddy. It was working before and I honestly thought it was one of the things that got broken after the update.

RMN Toolbar

I'm actually not really sure why this isn't in already. I'll get to it.

It was already. It got removed after the update and I thought you took it out on purpose.