

Legion Saga III Review

Eh, it's kinda like saying every RM game was basically Final Fantasy because it had the same layout and gameplay designs, too. It's a silly distinction to make.

I mean, the whole reason I even played Legion Saga at all back then (yeah, I was around when the games first came out) was because it promised to be like Suikoden, but with a new story. People kept saying 3 basically ripped the games off when it came out and I just couldn't see it - the gameplay, sure, and general idea of collecting people, but that's what people wanted from the Legion Saga series. It's the reason they played the games and why they were so popular in the first place.

But people saying that the story of three was basically ripping off Suikoden is beyond stupid. It was in fact the least like the games plot-wise (hell, all three of them were sufficiently different from the onset) and it never made any sense, then or now. :/

It is nice that they do have a fandom, you are right. XD

I see where you're coming from, and to be honest, it was never a dealbreaker for me. When I review, I try to ask myself if I think others would like the game regardless of whether or not I do. I've reviewed games and comics plenty of times before where I've given atrocious scores to things I've loved and excellent scores to things I hated. Not because I don't think my opinion counts for much, but because I can either see the appeal or I can see why people would have a problem with it. I could conceive of people having a problem with the story, even though it didn't bother me, so I reviewed LS3 in accordance with that. Does the complaint make a whole lot of sense? Perhaps not, but it's one that people made and it will likely be one that people make again (history has a habit of repeating itself).

Hmmm... I should make Legion Saga a Tumblr page, or something, see how much of the fandom comes there.

Legion Saga III Review

it is pretty funny that LS3 was the least like any of the Suikoden games, plot-wise. Hell, quite frankly they were all very different to the Suikoden games when it came to plot. There was a bit of cross-over in some areas, but they emulate the games closely only when it comes to the general game design itself.

I think the complaint was really a product of its time. Suikoden was basically unknown when LS1 and LS2 were out. By the time LS3 was upon us, most of us at least knew what Suikoden was, and plenty of us had already played it, so the similarities seemed very striking.

That said, I love that LS series has something similar to a "fandom".

Legion Saga III Review

See, generally I liked LS3. Like I said, though, it was no LS2. Also, like I said, I never played any of the Suikoden series, so I can't comment if the game was a straight-up ripoff of the plot or not, but the sentiment was strong enough at the time of its release, that I couldn't really ignore it.

The whole series, though, I think is amazing and is still one of the most iconic ones to date.
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