gams gams gams gams gams
Welcome to the Vestel...



Nifty little way I found to reconcile setting/background exposition and gameplay.

So would it basically be like:
"Bla bla bla bla history text"
*received elixir* ?
I think it's an alright idea... it will probably cause most players to read the history information if battles are difficult. But I don't think they should sparkle though.

Looking for a development partner...

Blitzen, you are one of my favorite members. I am always down for a chat and helping others out.

Next Stop: Episode 1 Release.

I will play it this time and write you a review or something afterwards. I don't have the time for beta testing right now, though.

An Gameprofiles is are fine as also!

I just fixed it a bit so text is more readable. :)

Ah, so that's how you add blogs...!

i heard there was going to be random japanese... please don't.


FF6 is not history text on scrolling panoramas though. Balmung is.

Also, if you say FF3, people will think you are talking about a different game, because FF3 refers to a different game. :)


Hah, Balmung is hardly even the highest end... Check out Ascendence. (notice how I avoided self-plugging lol)
Also, Balmung's plot is kind of generic, and it's storytelling could use improvement. And it has a boring intro... history text on scrolling panoramas.

Anyways, everyone used to make games with crappy graphics. Give yourself some time to become more experienced and stuff like Balmung will be within... your grasp.

I love Balmung though. I am going to pester Magi about it if he doesn't finish it...


what, what is going on here

~Update Panel~

i am excited.

TVTropes has ruined my life.

this site is the reason I never get anything done.