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Eternal Night: The Seedling's Rise

it fucking sucks

Eternal Night: The Seedling's Rise

it fucking sucks


Wow, I just realized someone wrote a review for my game. Also, this is... a secret: I only put about 3 hours of my time into that very short release. I had just played one of my previous projects, giving me sudden inspiration to work on a game. However, Demo Day was the next day, so I scrambled for a release. (This was back a few years ago, at Ghostlight Games, where Demo Day originated.) I know the puzzles are a bit lacking, but I was mostly focusing on graphics. I only said it was like Golden Sun, because of visual effects. Anyways, I've gone back and changed a lot of things... Expect a release, possibly pretty soon...

And the effects don't take longer to make than the actual gameplay >_>. (The focus of this game is on atmosphere, if anything) I just don't work on this constantly, since I have a ton of stuff I am doing all the time. It's kinda like, I work really fast for a week, and then I don't touch it at all for a month or two.

Arbiter: Prototype

I remember this. Great to see it's back.