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A BLURRED LINE v2.1 Review

I liked the music and battles a lot in ABL.

Dhux's Scar Review

Oh, I just saw the last two comments were about this. But those are some pretty strong spoilers!

Dhux's Scar Review

you might want to put a spoiler warning...

Ghost Voyage Review

Maybe if WIP allows games to have a rating of 6... heh........

Ghost Voyage Review

this game is 6/5

RMN Christmas Card 2009 Review

you are amazing

The Way Ep 3 Review

Winning does not necessarily equate to fun.

The Way Ep 4 Review

90% of RPGMaker games look like ass. The Way has good mapping, original stuff, and a cohesive style.

The Way EP 1 Review

I quite enjoyed the battles and the puzzles.

RMN Christmas Card 2009 Review

Haha, thanks for the review. The generic "Merry Christmas" ones though, were mostly from people who didn't submit any dialogue and we had to come up with stuff for them, and eventually most of them became just "Merry Christmas."