18 Hands, 18 Stones, 635 moons, flat head, bad attitude



Map Spriter, HELP ME!

Marrend & LE, I think you're overthinking the request. He wants a simple 5000x5000 picture of a map.

What I find odd is, if this is just for testing the map script, you can draw something usable very quickly in MSPaint. If this is supposed to be the actual map you'll use in your game, then wouldn't you want to specify what your world looks like? and the style of map you want so it fits with your game?

Here's a quick map drawn for testing the script...

3D model software?

Interesting article on Free 3D software...

Check the specs & make sure it supports the file format you need for your game/application.

request a battle log/counter rpg vx

Total battles fought? Battles Won? What about losses & escapes?
What about battles with multiple enemies?
Where in the menu, and what should it look like? (draw a picture)

RPG Maker Questions: Technical and otherwise

1) Set 3 variables
Control Variables --> Character --> Map X & Map Y
Control Variables --> Other --> Map ID
Then, in the "Transfer Player" command, use the "Appoint with variables" option

2) There are several suikoden style battle systems & Introduction/Title scripts out there, you just need to hunt them down.

Looking into RPGMaker XP or VX...

DFW, that's way cool that you & your "old man" are building a game together.

Just about every RM site has a "XP vs VX" topic.

I'd suggest checking a few of them out, try to read past the 'opinions' & look more at the facts to decide which suits your needs the best.

Be Well

[RMVX] Wavy pictures?

You just use the "Show Picture" command, and set the picture number to 19 or 20 instead of the default 1

[RMVX] Wavy pictures?

Static or animated?

There are new sprite properties in RMVX for making the image wavy.
(Look at the battle background to see an animated wave)

It would require some scripting & 'script' event commands to implement it for pictures.

Now that I think of it, I created a script for someone to create a wavy screen capture using pictures.

need help with battler positioning in rmxp.

I don't think the SDK redifines screen_x or screen_y,

What is "4man"??

Try moving the "BattlerPosition" script down, right above main.

need help with battler positioning in rmxp.

I just tested changing them, and it works fine for me.

Where did you paste the script? (Insert between Scene_Debug & Main)?

Change the spacing to 160, and the offset to 80, and they should be centered above their stats again.

need help with battler positioning in rmxp.

The origin of a battler/sprite is the bottom center.

Try this, just set spacing & offset to whatever works for your battlers.

class Game_Actor
# * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
def screen_x
# Return after calculating x-coordinate by order of members in party
if self.index != nil
# Set spacing to distance between battlers
# Set offset to distance between left edge & 1st battler
spacing = 32
offset = 24
return self.index * spacing + offset
return 0
# * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
def screen_y
return 320 # the top of the battle status window
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