Due to situations beyond his control, Ben has more idle time than he should have! "Hands" are the devil's playground and as such Ben is often drawing or diddling around in RPG-maker VX Ace to give his life a semblance of actual meaning.

A social introvert, Ben is NOT a social butterfly! However, he still desires to create forms of expression which incite genuine emotions, raucous laughter, and occasional deep thoughts. (Though often enough he misses that mark and ends up offending everyone instead!)

Gutter-Delve: The Closet...
Dark fantasy horror rpg with just a dash of cheesy camp and sexual innuendo!



Of apologies and censorship

yeah, it hasn't happened yet -- but I don't have to see the future to know this isn't exactly going to be Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak.

and people only get better with critique if they allow themselves to.

People do get better with critique. But sometimes snooty people try to pass of "snark" as constructive feedback. You may not mean to but so far you come off as someone with an axe to grind,Mawk. And when you go into something "looking for trouble" well, you're going to find it.

It's like me having the attitude of "Kick ASS 2, MORE LIKE SUCK ASS 2!" while going into the theater to see it. If my view is already tinted by jaded pessimism then yeah,I'm going to hate the movie. I'll inflate its' flaws while dismissing its' merits.

Personally I don't know much about your world view or subjective tastes so no, I can't guarantee you anything. Then again, I'm not really trying to seek your approval in the first place. Whether you are offended or not, I have no regrets creating what I did. Of course I'll strive to get better with future projects but that's a natural impulse anyway.

And before you say "Ha,thin skin here can't take criticism!" I have made many revisions to my game based on criticism. It just so happens those people offered me criticism in a way that didn't come off as abrasive and snide.

Update incoming

Most times I see a church my mind's eye automatically sees some sort of cult driven pyramid scheme in the making. It could be I'm too cynical though.
Yeah, can you believe they built of whole City of God completely out of a church members' donations? Said church negotiated with the credit card companies to be able to charge the members tithe (1/10 of the members monthly earnings) with no transaction fee. That's what I call a successful business ...

Hey guys, I'm starting my own religion. It's the best one ever! Now just go to my kick-starter page and donate a few thousand dollars apiece. I promise,we will build our utopia! Can I get an amen?!

Update incoming

I guess we're probably the religious extremists worst nightmare: the "relativists"
Heh, likely. I mean there are some open minded people who happen to also be religious but I find they seem rare. But how much of the world have I truly seen?
I personally have seen enough to be convinced that religions end up pitting people against each other: "believers" vs. "non-believers", "chosen ones" vs. "ones that will rot in Hell/Purgatory". There seems to be only be black and white, with no scales of gray. Kind of the way the U.S. government basically boxes people into clearly defined races, while in truth, most of us are "mutts" to some extent and they force us to choose one over the other, which seems disrespectful of each person's uniqueness.

I'm part German. I don't want to go into how that made me feel about myself for the longest time. Germans are a good people overall but whenever Germany comes up in America we tend to think about Nazis and genocide. Welp,at least a lot of people do.

You're right about the mutt part. I'm also a mix of Cherokee and old English. None of which give me "awesome super powers" I'm afraid. lol.

I also shy away from organized religion. Most times I see a church my mind's eye automatically sees some sort of cult driven pyramid scheme in the making. It could be I'm too cynical though.

Update incoming

I guess we're probably the religious extremists worst nightmare: the "relativists"

Heh, likely. I mean there are some open minded people who happen to also be religious but I find they seem rare. But how much of the world have I truly seen?

Update incoming

I don't think any actual religious scholar puts any stock in Dante's model of hell. historically speaking, it's basically just one guy getting really angry at his critics and creating a setting where he could blow off steam by torturing them. super childish, and nothing to base your understanding of the afterlife off of (for all that it's persisted as an inspiration for modern representations).

also, the concept of karma is one that's commonly misunderstood! karma isn't some supernatural balancing act where bad people have bad things happen to them -- rather, it's just the phenomenon of cause and effect, and an exercise in understanding the far-reaching consequences of your actions. the only thing approaching the modern misconceptions regarding karma is the concept that, in alignment with the above principles, impure actions or impure intent reap impure results.

Maybe that's the part of Karma I could never buy into. Supernatural divine punishment? Kind of a stretch. But I do think by doing good acts we can create more positivity and by doing negative acts we increase negativity. For example, a caring and moral parent will typically instill decent values into their child whereas an abusive parent will instill bad values. However, we can fight our past. It's just more difficult when we get off to a crappy start.

Update incoming


Hell is interesting but I think most people focus to much on the Dante Aligheri interpretation of it. As for purgatory? I always entertained the possibility earth is purgatory. It's not as bad as writhing in pain for all eternity but bad things can still happen to us here. (However, good things can happen to us too.) Regardless, I feel pretty "lost" as a human being. Being "alive" is filled with a lot of sensory over-load. We stumble around blindly rarely able to process everything.

Another angle is things just happen randomly. As much as believing in "karma" is a comfort blanket for me I do doubt it sometimes.

Update incoming

All of the sudden I feel Rage ... Against the Machine.

In the defense of Jehovah's witnesses I believe they have recently retracted that "sacred number" while claiming it was a mathematical error on their part. In other words,more people will get into heaven now according to their updated beliefs. I guess that makes me like them a little bit more. That said,it still seems like a big VIP club. "Roll with us or burn to dust!" should be a religious bumper sticker. lol.

I'm fine with people being "spiritual" but I think certain folks take it too far when they create mobs and try to swell their ranks through fear mongering and intimidation.

Update incoming

Good and Bad people come in all shapes and sizes ... what´s up with all this sudden PCness (I mean to advocate people not show their personal biases, regardless of what fallacies or untruths they might be based on) in regard to this game. It's only a fictional game ... that's all there's to it! Time to loosen up, people ...

Heck,this game isn't even mainstream. Not as if people are forced to play it and have to see it on store shelves everywhere. lol.

Overall I think Gliz was good intentioned,ed. Most of his criticism was helpful. Though yeah,I still have people here breaking out the pitchforks and torches whenever I post something new. It's kind of sad but hey, you learn to deal with it after awhile. I've staked my claim so I'm not leaving! (Haters are just gonna have to hate I guess)

My closest friend actually had a step mom who was a Jehovah's witness and according to him she was a very terrible person. I wasn't there myself but my bestie is a good guy. Lying isn't his forte. One day I thought to myself "Wow,she'd make a good villain" and lo and behold, that's how Betty Tompson was born.

I also have to question a faith form that believes a set number of people get into heaven while everyone else burns in a lake a fire. Seriously, Jehovah's witnesses have an exact number for that. It's not based upon if you're "good" or "evil". It's cold hard statistics! Late in line at the cut-off point? God is gonna trap-door you into hell! Sorry for your inconvenience! Yet Jehovah's witnesses will gladly take your donations and accept your membership in the meantime even if it turns out you aren't actually one of God's chosen. What a bunch of elitist bigoted bullshit.

Anyway,thanks for being an advocate for free speech! Never thought I'd see the day when people identifying themselves as liberals would be so doggedly determined to silence other people and censor works of fiction just so "no one will be offended". If offense is the only thing we have to worry about we're doing fine. Better that then having crosses burnt in our front yards or getting hung from trees in the hot Georgia sun. "Old school" civil rights activists from back in the day had more important and immediate threats and issues to contend with. This new wave of activism would make people like Harvey Milk,Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King turn in their graves.

Of apologies and censorship

Alright guys, enough poking of badgers please.Back on the topic at hand - I doubt RMN would ever put up an ERSB rating system beyond what we currently have (that is, denying games that are overly-sexual or deliberately terrible portrayals of sensitive subjects) mainly because the site, while it does have younger people on board, has a lot of older creators, too.

That said, most games can be easily guessed at when it comes to age level and some conscientious creators make sure to add a line in the description or game itself if there's anything too questionable in it. Some don't, true. I know for a fact I never have even if some of my games have swearing and the like in them. I won't do so either, because frankly, 13 year olds hear worse irl and know more about stuff than what I'd ever present them with.

(Just thinking about what I learned at that age from my peers, it makes me wonder how much worse it is nowdays, what with more technology to spread the word and less inhibitions than ever.)

I think overall adding a warning at the beginning is the best creators can do. However,therein lies a kind of double paradox. For example, when I was a teen being told a movie might be offensive or taboo made me that much more eager to watch it. In the past those "cautious disclaimers" made me more curious. lol.

However,kids tend to be tougher and more worldly than we give them credit for. All I'll say for sure is I'm glad Rpgmaker is limited to retro graphics. (For the most part) It prevents games from going into 'uncanny valley" when it comes to grotesque realistic violence or graphic rape. In cases such as these,subtlety is a god-send! (Though I've seen some rather nasty pixel dismemberments and mutilations in my time.)

Of apologies and censorship

Oh mawk, isn’t it time to move on? I realize it’s difficult being a gilded lover but the only drama left in this blog entry is the stuff you keep dusting off and throwing back at me. I moved on awhile ago. My response to Darken was meant to be satirical, lighthearted, and non-malicious. Yet you just had to brush off the cob-webs to add your two cents. At this point I think you are just making yourself look bad.

I get it, you don’t like the way I do things, respond to posts, or the way I write my characters. Reading you loud and clear. Luckily, you have the choice to stop responding. If you cannot stomach my company no one is forcing you to come back.

(Even if I am some kind of troll the best way to deal with me is to stop feeding me.)

I’m sorry I’ve been kind of a dick to you. Perhaps you’re just a nice guy with Asperger’s syndrome but online it’s not as if I can discern that right off the bat. Regardless, I’ve responded to you the way you’ve responded to me. Every action gets an equal reaction.

PS: It’s hard to listen to typed words, bro. I know there’s a computer program with audio that can repeat what I type but eh, I’ve never liked automated voices myself.

I’d ask you to “listen to yourself” in turn but at this point I’m convinced you’d fall in love with yourself (as you can do no wrong) and have a grandiose orgy of one! (Give or take a hand)

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