Projects to finish before leaving rpg maker:
1)Left Behind 2 - A game about love (A remake, the original was only 80% finished)
2)Route Through Peaks - A game about letting go (60% finished, currently on hiatus)
3)Burnt Ones - A game about criminals (10% finished, I probably will start anew)
4)Chain of Love - A chain game (0% finished)



Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

I'm not finished yet, butt..
But it's been almost a week since I warned you about my second goal. Here are results so far. Two chipsets, the second needs plants and small objects. The first are dungeon tiles. As a matter of fact, I made this one out of procrastination to avoid production of trees and cliffs. Tomorrow, I will hopefully finish damn trees and do a third one, which will be mostly same as the second one and featuring longhouses and totems. And add screenshots of sample maps, so the goal can be counted as achieved.

RTP vs. Custom Graphics


Whatever it is, it certainly is red.
I'm on this with DeStilj. You can make a nice looking community game with RTP and RTP edits, but in the long run, you want to stick with customs. And I like RTP. The one bundled with 2k, 2k3 is almost purfect. The one from ace is currently drastically overused by games you've never heard of.
I'm currently suffering over my results and what helps me a lot are other games. It may be good to start with some rules, black and white, low-res or editing assets. For inspiration check out playlist I made. My first attempt is included.
Your skills can be terrible and your game can still look good.


Whoa, a new Esbian adventure!

What are you thinking about right now?

I've seen them all. Didn't finish Empire.
Wild At Heart is probably my favorite. That one is well-directed, dramatically correct and joy to watch.

I think, that many popular RM games can be called Lynchian. Space Funeral for example reminds me of Dumbland, Erasehead. Blue Velvetian clues are seen often in WIther.


Different design maybe? They should look like something else than just a mere chest wit teeth. Or they can have a guardian attached. So, you are trying to open a chest, when suddenly a statue behind it starts movin.

Who still likes The Simpsons?

Sometimes. I prefer Buffy these days.

What are you thinking about right now?

If you try to figure out what Xoe's posts mean you will be frequently confounded because they mostly mean literally nothing. I think every day at 8 PM he does a google search for the last two words he heard, goes to page 40 of the results, and copies and pastes one of the entries into's forums.

I got porn.

I haven't known has jams. That site is like a better Bandcamp (You don't have to visit your email every time you want to download something without paying for it).

Edit: Does someone want to team up with me for this one?


Mimic Merchant in Uni's swap games were cute and made them a positive experience. An usual Mimic is pain.
It would be great to have a mimic as a party member. With his locks, he would be a kung-fu master.

When do you consider yourself "good" at something?

There is also this difference between being good at something and being good enough.

Sometimes its better to stick with feeling good. The other uses of the word are usually judgements or compliments.

RMN Tagline Thread


These are good.