

Challenge, hidden or outspoken?

Hidden content is always cool when you unlock it, but honestly I don't worry too much about content like this. When there are specific conditions to achieve the greatest results in a game, it feels too linear and uncreative to me. I prefer less obvious achievements, like for example an arena where you can fight progressively harder enemies, but can do so any time in the game.


Extra Credit: Are you a good Designer?

Great vid. It always, always helps to be reminded to think of your game any other game and not as YOUR game.


Ways to improve the community/maintain its awesomeness.

Absolutely Feldschlacht! Thank you for posting this topic. One of the things I noticed right off the bat joining this site is how much negativity there can sometimes be flying around. No, I'm not trying to cause problems, but just agreeing with Feldschlacht about some of the issues that are a real community turn-off.

Thanks again for the positive post.


Recruiting help on your project

Yeah yeah, thanks guys. Support Group makes sense Craze.

Stupid question, but where should I upload stuff? Like I altered a waterfall graphic I would like to share. Should I use the locker? Some file sharing program?



The best idea for a game I have ever had.

Yes sir. Yes sir I do.


Are you happy with how your life has turned out?

Hey Tau. I'm glad you have the perspective that you do. I have done some things I regretted too and so have most of the people I know. Life is change, and if you try to resist the change it will only make things worse. It sounds like you are starting to see life and who you could be differently. I have allowed myself to change and struggle through my own hardships, and I am happy with where life is going. I'm not really happy because of superficial circumstances (although those things affect me to be sure), but I am happy because I know myself better than I think most people my age do and I can be responsible and healthy about life. But it isn't easy, and I'm not trying to brag at all. Change just takes time and the commitment to make things change. I just want to assure you that it is worth it in the end. I think one of the goals and mysteries of life is self-discovery.

It sounds like you've thought about why you did the things you did, and that is great! Some things to ask yourself are "What was I trying to accomplish when I slept with this person or did x thing?" "What need was I trying to meet?" Kinda like how Emanzi identified that they joined a gang so they wouldn't be lonely. A lot of time we try to fill deficiencies in our life with other things that aren't related. It is good to identify what you were looking for -acceptance, distraction, love, etc- and then have grace for yourself about the negative ways you went about trying to get those things. And then, of course, train yourself to make better choices in the future.

@Nightblade and anyone else with a similar situation: You sound a lot like how I used to be. I used to always push people away with my problems and convince myself that no one liked me; that I was disgusting and worthless. This kind of thing happens all the time with abused children though, and you aren't nearly as bad as you think you are. Healing from that kind of childhood is HELL and I know that firsthand. I am 26 now, and one of the reasons I was able to start dealing with everything that has happened to me is that my dad is out of the picture completely. He died some 6 or 7 years ago now. I would strongly urge you to get out of your parents' house as soon as you can. It is crappy and not really fair, but you are gonna have to really take control of everything that happened to you. There is something to be said for owning all the pain that other people inflicted on you, and working through it.

The other reason I was able to heal was because I had support. I found a few friends to talk with, I went to therapy and it helped a lot. And just so you know, I was a freakin mess beforehand. I used to cut myself all the time. It took my 8 years to stop. I've also tried to commit suicide a handful of times. I flunked out of school, lost my friends, was homeless for awhile. I have very similar experiences where my dad would beat the pets and freak out over the slightest things. So I can relate. Perhaps you should join a forum for childhood abuse, and maybe seek therapy. In any event, it is good that you are able to talk about these things at all. Not everyone is very kind or understanding, and it that can make it intimidating to open up about yourself like this.


Recruiting help on your project

Hm, thanks for the feedback. I suppose that makes sense that people will like to have a joint project from the get go instead of working on someone else's project. Yes, patience and politeness are essential. I have helped out little bits with other people's projects as well, and I don't like to be rushed either.


The best idea for a game I have ever had.

haha. Damn! Yes that was meant to be humorous. Why not try saying something nice for a change Karsuman?


The best idea for a game I have ever had.

This is the best story I have ever come up with in my entire life:

Well, it starts with bears attacking a convalescent home, but there turns out to be a demon in the basement who wakes up because of all the commotion and is really angry, so he gives the oldest man in the home super powers to go stop the bear stampede that is sweeping over the countryside, but the demon says he can't rest until all the bears are extinct, which makes the bears afraid so they start hibernating early and they hire cyborg bodyguards to try and stop the old man, but he's had worse before so it doesn't work and all the bears end up having to make a formal apology to the demon and they even decide to sound proof his basement tomb free of charge.

And then the second half of the game you play as a seahorse that blows magic bubbles whenever he drinks cheap wine, but he lives in a classy neighborhood and cheap wine is hard to come by, so he goes on a journey into a lower class neighborhood but his arch nemesis keeps improving peoples' living conditions wherever the sea horse tries to go so that he can't find the right kind of wine, so he ends up having to grow grapes to make his own wine, except it turns out that sea horses are actually really good at making wine so he just starts a profitable high class winery and gets rich, until one day a thousand years later he drinks some really bad wine again that accidentally had the wrong label and he remembers that he has magic bubble powers and gives up all his wealth right then and there and goes back to the ocean to tell all the other sea creature about how much better he is than them.

And then the last part of the game is where the sea horse and the old man meet each other when they are going to a really exciting tennis game but the old man crashes into the sea horse's Porsche and so the sea horse makes him chauffeur him around all day and even all night too, and then one day the car runs out of gas so the old man has to try to push the car with his elderly brute strength that only gets stronger with age and it works for awhile, but then the old man needs some help because he is trying to push the car up a really steep hill and so he wakes up the demon again, except this time he gets the three greatest chefs in the world to make the demon breakfast after they fight each other to the death so that there is actually only one chef who is tough as nails and makes really good omelets, so of course the demon isn't mad anymore after that and he helps the old man push the car and even changes a flat tire, until they make it all the way up the hill and it turns out it is a volcano because that is exactly what the old man had in mind so they push the car into the volcano but the sea horse jumps out the window just in time and they all have to run away while the volcano explodes except for the sea horse because he can survive in lava just like if it was water and that gives him the idea to turn the whole ocean into hot lava, so he makes a magic potion in an old wine bottle that will make it happen and he hurls it into the sea but it gets swatted out of the air by the old man and it flies up into the sky and hits a cloud and the cloud starts raining brimstone and shooting lightning that is half lightning and half lava, and the sea horse realizes he made a big mistake and the old man forgives him, but the demon goes and lives on the cloud because he thinks its cool and everyone is happy in the end.

You are impressed, yes?


Recruiting help on your project

In my opinion, if you are going to recruit people to help you with your game, you are going to need a very solid demo to generate interest. But I am curious, even if you have a demo, do people really jump on-board? Has anyone here ever successfully recruited game making help from other people they didn't already know?

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