Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
About Me

I've made puzzle games.
I want to make other games now.

Past Avatars
colour event-14/06/17:
7/09/16-colour event:
Account Mu
It's a puzzle game.


When you write, how much do you base the work, or yourself on existing fiction or writers?

I'll start off trying to explain by explaining how I find it comfortable writing long essays, or reviews, or even novels for that matter. Sometimes I pretend - and this is going to be a confession, I think - to be one of my favourite authors. That's true. Believe it or not, right now I'm pretending to write like one of my favourite authors. I won't say who, because I'm probably doing a terrible job of copying her (there we go, the gender is out), and I don't want to be further embarrassed by revealing more of my fleshy self. But let's put this back on you for a second - have you ever, for any of your games, novels, or other distributed work - based a character on an existing real-life person (perhaps too closely!), or based a plotline on something that has happened on real life, and put the disclaimer on so that people won't be able to accuse you of anything, or just flat-out mimicked the entire style and scope of a game you just played?

Is it even shameful to do such a thing? I'm of the particular belief that we are the product of the sum of our experiences, and we shouldn't really deny that - we should be honest about it, open. So please reassure me that I'm not the only crazy quasi-plagiarizer around here, and maybe give your thoughts as to whether it's definitely OK (or not OK) to "almost copy".

How you deal with getting worse at something?

I feel like lately I haven't been improving - I've been getting worse! Things like art, game-making, writing, anything really. I look back and I see myself being more skilled than I am now (how does that work?). How do you deal with that? What are some strategies to get that fire back?

If there are, in fact, any.

Who are your favourite RMN writers/authors?

Hey guys

I was wondering who are your favourite writers of games, or authors, from RMN? Who do you think writes really good stories, regardless of how great/poor their gameplay is? I'm going to list a few of my personal favourites, with reasons why you should check them out, and then open the floor to others to suggest which people they really like to read too.

This guy's my favourite writer. He never fails to push the envelope when it comes to creating games that make you think. His subjects might not be popular with all (some games include merciless torture, sexual themes, and real-life homicide stories) but the skill and tact with which he writes is unparalleled. It's exactly this kind of border-pushing games that we need, and calunio does it with finesse. Apparently the next game he wants to make in Game Maker or Unity and he wants it to be some sort of political farming simulation. Where you do bribes and stuff. I reckon it'll be cool! If he can pull it off.

Time after time, he barely fails. This guy can craft some really good tension with crafty dialogue and story that appeals to the horror genre. He has created quite a few classics in the genre, and not only because of the visually appealing nature of his graphics. The slow, fantastical elements reveal themselves with nice flow and pacing.

Some really brisk, engaging, well-paced writing that is an underrated skill of unity's. Unity has a nice penchant for quick dialogue, that is both unassuming and nice to read. You should really check Luxaren Allure out.

Writing half of the Solest team, this guy is a published author. He knows how to craft worlds. He touches on themes like depression and family sentimentality, and he's very competent at that.

The games of catmitts are a mixed bag, but they're always interesting. Sometimes his comments are far more well-written than his stories. I have a few that I can think of that are some of the best comments I've ever read. Very eccentric.

Hate her or not, she's pretty good at telling a story. She managed to create some interesting characters in Pom Gets Wi-Fi and I'm thoroughly looking forward to her next game called Pancake & Jam.


Can't really think of anyone else. So! I open the floor to you guys. Do me proud, OK? :)

LOL. Teams.

I think there should be a rule that you should release a completed game before you ask to hire a team.

[Poll] is it just me, or is editing your posts uncool

I think that when you're a post-editer, you're also a butt muncher as well. Live life on the edge; never edit. I admit, I've made mistakes in the past, but haven't we all? We can all rise up and leave our unfiltered processes awake to the world, a rich vat of ideas to be picked!

Next time you're about to backspace that flaming comment, think... what would a cool guy do? And then press enter. Who cares about what other users feel. This is the internet, not a sanitized old folks' home for bingo players and naysayers. Let your tongue roll free as you criticize mods without restraint! Who cares if they're doing a great job as it is! Even if they're the best mods on the net, let your fingers run free.

A ban is nothing. It's a sign that you know something they don't. You're a cool kid. You're qualified to be sane. Don't rest for nothing. Grab the popular initiative, take it, and make it your slaves.

Edits are for losers.

Fast Times at Aremen High: Sign-Ups

Hey guys! I'm making an RMN fangame called Fast Times at Aremen High, a high school sim representing the users of this site. It's really not that serious. It will feature real users of this site saying their iconic lines and referencing games in the community. The concept is that students at Aremen High study how to use RPG Maker, and there are various classes or "threads" that teach you how. Various prominent developers and mods of this site will be teachers, and us peasantly users will be roaming the halls as students trying to earn top grades and make their game win the Misaos.

Sounds cool? It is, but I would rather have permission to use the likeness of users here, so here's the deal. If you want to be part of the game, just say so in this thread.

And the thing is, you don't have to provide anything in the form of sprites or avatars, because I'm just going to use your forum avatars and randomly assign you sprites.

The catch is, if you have a certain sprite in mind that you would like to use for your in-game character, then you can post it here so I'll use it in lieu of some other random generic high-school-looking guy/gal. To give you a clue, I have been asking prominent developers if they would like me to use characters from their games to represent them in the game, and they've said yes.

I'm glad you're all excited by this point, and I will strive to make this game as faithful to the spirit of RMN as possible.

RMN fangame: Using Likenesses of Users

I'm making an RMN fangame called Fast Times at Aremen High that includes many users from this site (moderators, prominent developers and other users) but I'm not sure of one thing: what's the process for being able to use their likenesses? Should I be PM'ing every single person who is in the game (which could be 50+ people) and then waiting for their response before I include them in the game?

What are the rules regarding using sprites from their games to represent their characters in the game? Should I ask for that permission too, since they created those resources? The thing is, that there is such a large base of people I would have to ask that this task might become impossible.

So, how do you think I should go about this?

Making an RMN fangame: should I be asking people?

<Dammit! This topic was double-posted... sorry. The first one didn't load so I sent a second request and they both came through at the same time.>

For the first time

I'm not talking about your favourite games, but what are the games that you wish you could play again for the first time. That is, without knowing anything about it beforehand?

For me it would be the Walking Dead series, season 1. It was a very emotional ride the first time round, but when I tried playing it again, it just wasn't the same as the first time. I already knew how the story ended, so I didn't feel as much emotional connection. It's like watching a movie for the second time now that you know the twist.

What's your game/s you'd like to see again with fresh eyes?

Dreams as a plot device in horror games

Firstly, I was recently thinking that the "dream land" as a device to drive the plot is often used in horror games. Is it because dream worlds are easier to create horror with? Just put a bunch of trippy maps in there and some monsters that you need to dodge and you'll have yourself a horror game? I'm looking more at the surreal exploration genre than anything. It seems that it has the theme of: person goes to sleep, has weird af dreams, wakes up, lives life (this part usually isn't important), goes back to sleep again and experiences weird stuff that's a metaphor for their inner self.

Secondly, how effective do you think this is? I know of a bunch of games that have used it and some of them are really really good games. Of course Yume Nikki always props up in a conversation like this.

I guess I want to know what you guys think.

Edit: The other thing I wanna know is - does the concept of a really abstract story work for you? Usually these "dream worlds" are not always literally a dream, but some world that's really foreign to our own, containing mostly beings that want to kill you upon touch. Either that or you're kind of wandering around this disembodied artsy world wondering why you got there, and not really getting any satisfying kinds of answers.