I post, play, review, and am hoping to get a game finished one of these days. If you need a tester, feel free to message me!



Dragon Vale Fall Of RedDale Review

Yep, I saw the comments on the game's summary page about that one. I subtly mentioned that in the review with:

"The game's few puzzles are easily solvable, except for a math puzzle that might stump players for the wrong reason: it does not consider the order of operations (remember 'Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally' from algebra class?). Be prepared to consider the multiplication operator to have no greater precedence than the plus sign."

Earlier today, I was playing a different game by another developer in which you could solve a puzzle by guessing a number from 00 to 99, and I just kept entering numbers until I got it right. :) I'm a bad boy like that.

Dragon Vale Fall Of RedDale Review

I wouldn't give out a 1-star score lightly, but especially after the bugs and other issues I encountered (the stock image photo with the watermark still attached to it comes to mind immediately, though the dialog issues are certainly more significant), I couldn't justify a higher score. I don't recall there being anything of substance in this game that would lead me to re-evaluate it, though if the developer were to fix the bugs and add more substance, I would be willing to give the game another go. (If there is something strong about this game that you feel I missed on, I'm happy to listen, of course.)


The ending is another problem that I did not mention, because I wanted to keep the review spoiler-free. That run-on text dump was a bit much.
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