I'm a huge dork who makes RPG games.
They're not that good though.
I make music too sometimes.

...Yeah, that's it.

Recent Achievements

Submitted monsters for all 6 designs for the Kids Design The Darndest Things event
Acquired 12/19/2016 07:05 PM
Participated in the Kids Design The Darndest Things event by submitting a monster
Acquired 12/19/2016 06:59 PM
Submitted a battle demo using the monster assets created for the Kids Design The Darndest Things event
Acquired 12/19/2016 06:57 PM
You are part of the greatest game on earth - the Game of Love. Don't skip out on your relations - remember to maintain that love! For some reason Oceaniqo's name won't work, so let's give love to the missing here~
Acquired 02/15/2016 01:41 PM