I'm a huge dork who makes RPG games.
They're not that good though.
I make music too sometimes.

...Yeah, that's it.



If you could name a street anything, what would you name it?

sesame street

A man walks into a bar...

He says "ow".

Roll call!

Could I be in it~?

I decided to make a quick little minigamegame and I figured I'd get some ideas for games. If you have an idea for a minigame, BLAST AWAY! XP

Would a whackamole minigame really fit into all that?

I'm new here (Do I still qualify for new here?) and I've already gotten into a relationship. Whoa.

I won't tell ;3

It probably is.

RMN hunger games? Hoo hooo hooo~


I'm totes popular. Somebody likes Account Mu.


*inches forward*

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Is there a Kentonb? Do Kentona and Kentonb fight each other for the attention of Kentonc?

The A is for

My favorite RMN member is; Christamoose AznChipmunk ShortStar halibabica MakioKuta EvilEagles Redd Elements Clyve Adon237 TehGuy.

Hint : Look at the first letter of each username!


C hristamoose
A znChipmunk
S hortStar
h alibabica
M akioKuta
E vilEagles
R edd
E lements
C lyve
A don237
T ehGuy.

It spells CAShMERECAT.

Is there a Kentonb? Do Kentona and Kentonb fight each other for the attention of Kentonc?

The B is for BATTLE

Hm, if CashmereCat = fan of me (maybe? not sure) and I = fan of Cashmere... THERES A LOOP IN THE SYSTEM

this is a thing made by me

EDIT: legend
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