I'm a huge dork who makes RPG games.
They're not that good though.
I make music too sometimes.

...Yeah, that's it.



Screenshot Survival 20XX

Well, I got a new windowskin and a new color for the font.
If this font color doesn't look good I'll have to scrap it :(

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Guess who's back and with a friggin boatload of screenshots to show? That's right, me! that was fun! Also if you're wanting to know, the name of the game is diminutive dungeons! And it's ALL in lowercase!

Is there a Kentonb? Do Kentona and Kentonb fight each other for the attention of Kentonc?

The A is for

My favorite RMN member is; Christamoose AznChipmunk ShortStar halibabica MakioKuta EvilEagles Redd Elements Clyve Adon237 TehGuy.

Hint : Look at the first letter of each username!


C hristamoose
A znChipmunk
S hortStar
h alibabica
M akioKuta
E vilEagles
R edd
E lements
C lyve
A don237
T ehGuy.

It spells CAShMERECAT.

Is there a Kentonb? Do Kentona and Kentonb fight each other for the attention of Kentonc?

The B is for BATTLE

Hm, if CashmereCat = fan of me (maybe? not sure) and I = fan of Cashmere... THERES A LOOP IN THE SYSTEM

this is a thing made by me

EDIT: legend

RL is really killing my gam-mak drive...

gam-mak drive is ruining my gam-mak drive

My arts n' stuff...

Welcome to my lil art stuff thing place!

RMN Desktop Background

i did it i made some resourCES AND SUBMITTED THEM I CANT BELIEVE IT


Screenshot Survival 20XX

Another screenshot of my gem game!
Central park! Trees! Weird bushes! Levels! Pallete swaps! It has it all!

EDIT : oops