Pink, the color of Liberty.
Newb RPG developer with the will to not give up.
(Enter Random Reference Here)



RPGMaker MV in RMN Store?

Will RPGMaker MV ever be available in the RMN store? It would be nice to buy it through the RMN store to hopefully help out with the website.


If only I had $80 to spend on Rpgmaker MV. I would try to participate but school is dogging down on me.

Where's my date? H-Have I been stood up?!

I wonder how many people are still waiting for this. (No offense Liberty if you some how take offense to this.)

Is there a Kentonb? Do Kentona and Kentonb fight each other for the attention of Kentonc?

The A is for A.

Second Saturday Scores

Well damn, I won't be moving much.

Phew... *huff* *huff* Finally finished my review... *huff* *huff* Man, that was a long one...! *faints*

NOOOO. Quick! Get llan some cake to wake up.


Nah... I just get another host to come take my place if I'm a bachelorette instead. Someone who knows what it takes to follow your heart and reach out to the people around you. Someone who looks super dapper in a suit and can make the ladies (and men) scream~

So... who again?

What are you thinking about right now?

Dear lord everything is still pink why why why
Valentine's day
is over Liberty please.

I don't think it's going to end until the Relationship game is released.

Kago to Torii

This was awesome but Mystery 4 is still a mystery to me.

Sing a Song ♪

Ai wo utae