Title: Ral¡¯gann Prophecies 

Setting: Earth, Aethia (Sky Haven), the Depths (Hell), the Boundaries (Universe) 

Time: Mythological 

History: There was a war between angels and demons in the beginning of creation when the watcher Ral'gann had created earth, a planet capable of holding life essences. The planet operates on a balance, when there is too much evil, Ral¡¯gann must ensure that it does not overwhelm the earth, and when there is too much good, Desterus creates havoc and destruction on the earth. The night of the assault is called The Endeavor of Shadows. Desterus the dark watcher unleashed his demons over the surface of the earth and Ral'gann ordered his angels to reclaim the earth and liberate the humans. When evil was conquered they were cast into the Depths. To prevent them from escaping, a handful of heroes were appointed to remain on earth in disguise and keep the humans from harm. The selected members fell deeply in love with their human companions which resulted in the creation of demigod children that were able to live for a long time and have special powers such as the ability to fly. Allicodous, one of the pure blood angels saw this as betrayal because they were not to interfere with the human development. He twisted and corrupted the minds of the demigod children who would later grow up to rebel against the angels and murder them all, except for Allicodous, the last remaining angel on earth. He took full reign over the planet and they called themselves the Valkae, those who dwell in the sky. The Valkae became corrupt and split apart from the original bond- a link between the Ral¡¯gann and his creations. They also isolated themselves away from the humans, making their haven deep within the clouds, they called this haven Aethia. Amongst themselves they formed a civilization, a society of politics, militarism, and wealthy economics. Valkians looked down on the human race and saw them as mistakes in creation. Ral¡¯gann placed several guardians and monsters to defend the humans against the wrath of the Valkae. To test their capabilities the Valkae seized control of many of the guardians and angered Ral¡¯gann, but he could not destroy them and only had the power to cherish living things. He aided the humans against the Valkae until his rest, the Slumber of Souls where he would hibernate from the boundaries of existence and regain his powers. The humans were left defenseless and the Valkae chose to enslave them. For the many millenniums to come, the humans would be under the eyes of the Valkae, shackled to the will of Allicodous. The angels who were bound to Ral¡¯gann watched, helpless to act as one of their brothers had fallen to darkness. The Valkae claimed rulership of the all of the Boundaries. 

Story: A Valkian general named Demetrich was banished from Aethia and his wife killed for conspiracy suspicions held Allicodous. At this time, Aethia becomes a very fascist nation. The Valkians tossed Demetrich off the clouds and he fell onto the earth. He is cared for by a father and his daughter Maris that find him on the side of a dirt road. When his identity is revealed from a symbol on his forehead that all Valkians carry, the father attempts to kill him, but when the Valkians come for daily inspection to prevent any resistance from the humans, the father is forced to accept Demetrich¡¯s offer to help. The Valkian guards are slain, and the father Gereth and his daughter Maris along with Demetrich, must escape from their village to avoid prosecution. Demetrich shares his story to them, and they develop a bond. In one of Demetrich's visions (which he continuously has), Gereth's appearance reminds Demetrich of his father, who was a Valkian general as well. He never mentions anything about his family to them, but secretly, he thinks that Gereth is the deity of his father's life essence. During their journey, Maris slips into a puddle of dark liquid that infects her, but the symptoms are hidden. They continue on and are intercepted by Valkian patrols. As they try to escape, Gereth sacrifices himself to buy some time for the two of them to escape to the nearby woods. Demetrich swears revenge for Maris and Gereth and is PISSED.

Thats all the little details of the story but the outline is that Allicodous is defeated and Demetrich takes over the rule of Aethia (somehow), and the infection previously grows to take control of Maris by Desterus and becomes the heir to the demon throne.

This ending sets up for sequels, and prequels.