Makerdude from Hesse, Germany.
Doing various stuff since 2006. Go, check it out.


Going International

Thought it would be nice to say hi. So...:"hi there". I'm from Hesse, Germany.
"Great, another crazy Germ.", you might think. Well...yes. ;)

I'm not really new. I lurk around on RMN every once in a while, but i'm mostly active in the German Makercommunity (and not even there very much).
However, the German Community lacks one crucial thing which made me decide to go International: Players! Y'know, it's still a bit active and there are lots of devs making awesome games and so on, but...what's that all about if there's nearly noone to play them? =/

I've made two games so far. One big project called "Spheres and Darkness" and another minor project called "KLOL^^". Just translated and released KLOL^^ here on RMN. It's a little collection of several minigames. Nothing more, nothing less.
Unfortunately "S.a.D." will not see a translation anytime soon. It simply has too much text. Nothing that my edgy English-skills could handle at the moment. I plan on making one when I'm ready for it.

I'm also not a big talker in general. Please don't expect many posts from me. I'd rather focus on the development of my next projects ;).
If you want to check them out, go to my profile and visit me on Twitter (where updates are in English) or on my homepage (in German).

Hope we'll get along and I can contribute a bit to the (international) community.
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