I maek teh gamez and teh videoz.

Plz chek de links beh-low.
Super Puzzle World 2
The Highly Anticipated Sequel to Super Puzzle World 1 has come!



[RMMV] Event Chaining

I found the solution. You can achieve this function by adding "Exit Event Processing" after a "set move route" that does NOT wait for completion.

[RMMV] Event Chaining

This was the first thing I tried. No matter how I set up Event A, I can't get Event B to trigger, even when Event B is triggered by Player Touch.

[RMMV] Event Chaining

1) I have an event which causes the player to keep moving left until the player is on a specfic Region ID.
2) I would also like it to keep moving the player until the player is on a new event, at which point I want that new event to trigger instead.

I've solved 1. How do I solve 2?

Masterstroke v1.0

Ummm is there a place to buy better weapons??? Coz my party (2 members) just keeps dying because of those rats and bats. Leveling up isn't of much help since it doesn't increase your ATK & DEF stats.. plz help coz as I explore the deeper sections of the mines, my weapons are totally useless and they deal 0 damage..

So sorry for the delayed response. School, work, sickness, i've been so distracted. The weapons cannot be purchased but earned. If you help Orvin in Tony's Mining Outpost, you'll earn a better weapon. If you do the first two Lex quests, you'll get a very nice weapon. Questing and exploration can also earn you better armor and enough money to buy lots of potions. The game is challenging in this sense. Hopefully you are able to make some progress!

Masterstroke v1.0

Is there anyway too get light into the Dimlite Cave??

There is not. The gimmick is getting a feel for how the lower path looks, and finding your way to the next set of stairs. Fortunately, its a short affair. You'll notice that you can see a lot better when you're on the upper level, and you must use that to your advantage.

Masterstroke v1.0

In the deep denny mines North West Wing. I can't go down the rope ladder??

Oh dear, I know exactly whats causing that, as I ran into that glitch before. Not to worry, as I can tell you that all you'll find is an Telemen Soldier chipping away at some rubble. He's not essential to any gameplay as of yet. Still, I'll patch the mistake.

Masterstroke v1.0

It seems to be a good game.How long is this part`?

It took me 5.5 hours to complete all of the content, and I'm the developer, soooo, at least 6 hours if you're very efficient.

Right when i press new game the error happens

So its the music that plays at spawn, which wasnt one of the audio files that i suspected at all. Um..., not too good at this. Perhaps you unzipped it incorrectly? Or old operating system? I'll keep it in mind for if anyone else reports this bug.

Masterstroke v1.0

I keep getting a error with some Audio files, how can I solve this?
Downloaded it about five times and it still doesn't work, maybe its my computer.

I'm sorry that you're getting this error. Would you be able to tell me when exactly you get this error? (about to mine a rock, enter a cave, open a chest, etc). That would help greatly in determining what is causing it for you.

Super RMN World 2: Yoshi's Archipelago

Oh nice. How've you been?

Doing great! Moved out, been going to university, bought a shitty car.

Just leave out the face cam this time, or at least try to manage it differently.

Ha, I can't even find my webcam, so you're safe from that.

Super RMN World 2: Yoshi's Archipelago

Damn, I'm a week late. I return to RMN years later, and I'm a week late.
Haha, I'll definitely do a Let's Play though; looking forward to this game's completion.

Edit: Ah, man, half the gang is still here too. That's actually re-assuring.