When the going gets tough, go fuck yourself.
devil king fuckshit
Witching Hour
Brought to you by the Posthumous Bureau



Signs of Life?

Wow, checked in to see you still working on this. Don't stop now! I never got a chance to play any of the demos, wait, there were demos if I remember correctly... Been years since I've been here, LOL

British English speakers of RMN, I need your help! How do I write a 'British' speaking character?

top o' the mornin to ya gov'na

why i mustve misplaced my dosh you gormless tosser, oh bloody hell

im bleedin like a stuck pig ya wanker

P5 Blog #15 P6's graphic direction.

do what feels right.

Ready, Set, Donate!

Well, that's one way to make 5k.

Vacant Sky coming to PSN

Congrats Sai, I'm really happy for you. You've come a long way.