"Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted."

-John Lennon
Second Death
After crash-landing on a strange island, a Chicago cop must face horrors of the wild to save his loved ones and himself.



[GM] Respawn enemies? Or savor a clean field?

I'm torn on a particular game design decision for a top-down RPG with touch encounters: After you've cleared enemies from an area, would you prefer if they stayed dead? Or would you prefer to fight more enemies after a certain amount of time?

My options are
1.) Respawn all enemies after a night's rest
2.) Give them a % chance to respawn
3.) Leave them dead

I'm inclined to respawn them, since that gives a chance for more experience and resource drops, but sometimes it's a bummer to see hard work get undone if the enemies pop back in place. Is there another solution that's not on my radar?


Hey thanks! Yeah, it's got a hint of that.

A game by any other name (trademarks...)

Haha that's right Avee. And yeah, while I was pretty sure I'd be in the clear using a word from the dictionary, his advice boiled down to "Even if you'd win in the end, you wouldn't want to spend the legal fees to get there."

Thanks for voting guys! Really appreciate your help.

Character Line-Up 2.0

Ooooo, this is beautiful work. Nicely done! Very excited to see the progress.

I hate the 'Miss' mechanic

LockeZ, I think the expectation bit is spot-on. As long as the player has a grasp of what to expect, it's not an unpleasant experience. I feel like the 5% chance to 'Miss' is something of an artifact -- the intention to add some variation to the outcome of an attack is a good, but the result (to deal zero damage) isn't. I've personally witnessed people play old RPGs of mine and get dealt a 'Miss'. It felt bad to watch them struggle and I didn't really have an explanation for why that should be a random punishment.

And GRS, I definitely prefer the chance of half damage over missing. Honestly, even 1 damage is preferable, even though it's effectively a miss. There's something so heartbreaking about doing zero damage.

Weapon bonuses: Blind

Hey thanks! The battle system is a mix of Paper Mario-esque timing and Fruit Ninja-esque swiping so I'm able to try some new stuff.

I hate the 'Miss' mechanic

In every game I've played since childhood, nothing has frustrated me more than a basic attack missing the target. I don't believe it adds anything enjoyable to the experience. It doesn't mean my tactics were necessarily at fault, it only means that a random roll of the dice have, at best, caused a turn of delay, and at worst, caused me to take more damage than I was counting on and lose the battle.

I'm definitely not opposed to variable damage in the mix, and for to some attacks doing less damage to certain enemies (especially when those resistances are opaque). In the game I'm working on currently, it's impossible to miss -- if you time the hit correctly, you can only do EXTRA damage. Enemies can still miss their attacks against you though.

What do you think? Is there a good reason to have simple attacks miss?

Second Death

I am 100% satisfied with that first impression.