

A RMN Staff RPG thought/idea

Clearly when we release the super amazing new RM2k project we're working on, we could upload RPGM2KBRPG! as a kind of history lesson.

Though as Rod already knows, I still say the old chain game was the real high point of that community.

Hero's Realm

Um, are you supposed to be able to get the Elite Classes (Sage, Champion, Joker) by just hitting the up arrow on certain classes when you choose a new character's class?

Not complaining - I like having the options available from the start - but it seems strange that the game doesn't tell you about it.

(Also, is Joker supposed to have no normal attack command? If so, what's the point in giving my Joker a weapon?)

Secret content: How hidden is too hidden?

Personally, I only look for secrets in RM games by looking in the database, after I've finished playing. Then when I've seen everything, I play the game again later and actually do all the things I found out about through hacking.

I did really enjoy realising that it was possible to get Saldra and AG7 in the same party in ABL by looking through the code extensively. That said, objectively speaking, it's not a very well-implemented secret; nobody would ever think to do it if they didn't hack.

Ideally, I think all secrets should be hinted somehow. If there's a hint, and you can logically see how the hint leads to the answer, it can be as well-hidden as it wants, provided that it isn't missable, and you can finish the main game without it.

Blog 10.5: Release Something Day Special now up! (EDIT: with Patch 1.0)

There's another game break when you try to go to the P-R section of the glossary:

Also, the 'Infant Angels' entry is untranslated (probably happens because it updates after episode 17).

Blog 10.5: Release Something Day Special now up! (EDIT: with Patch 1.0)

More minor bugs:
-During the scene after the spoilery boss in episode 17 (I'm sure you know which I mean), Ewan says to Nixon, 'Hey, whatcha doing to Ewan?' I assume it should be Kane saying that.
-When viewing Lina's profile, you can't view it by selecting Lina's name itself, you have to select the blank space above it.

Blog 10.5: Release Something Day Special now up! (EDIT: with Patch 1.0)

Yay, you were right! I'm excited now to try out the new characters in her group (wow, this makes 5 new characters in this release already).

Another small untranslated conversation:

Edit: Untranslated profiles as of episode 17: Benedicta, Kane, Katherine, Margot and Nixon.

Blog 10.5: Release Something Day Special now up! (EDIT: with Patch 1.0)

There's a game break when you try to use the shop at the OHG headquarters:

Everything else is good so far! I think 5-6 hours might be an underestimate, if episodes 16-17 prove to be as long as 13-15 have been. I hope we get to see Vene again soon though, I really want to see what she knows now that she has her memory back.

One little thing, I've noticed that "ain't" seems to be used frequently in this release to mean "doesn't" when it actually means "isn't". Just something you might want to keep in mind.

Edit: Um...when you first enter the OHG headquarters, the conversation seems to be completely untranslated?

Screenshot for reference:

Blog 10.5: Release Something Day Special now up! (EDIT: with Patch 1.0)

Ooh, exciting. I'll download this right away.

Comedy Games

I'm shocked that nobody has mentioned cRaZy_gUy's Journey. You should all play it now.

The Sword and the Fish is pretty good too. I can't really think of any other humour games that were actually funny (Final Fallacy was simply embarassing).

RM2k VALUE! Font problem

I have tried RPG_RTs from multiple sources and they all do the same thing. I guess I'll have to try changing the regional settings or whatever.

LockeZ, just FYI, the word 'this' on my original post was a link.

Edit: Well, I tried the 'Regional and Language' settings and it was set to English (UK). I tried switching to (US) just to see if it made any difference, but no luck. =/