You can call me “D3”. I’m just a guy who makes games as a hobby. Not always good at it, but I always have fun!




Extremely disappointing that a game that has acceptance as one of its main themes ended up like this.


The developer is female and no one is campaigning about anything lol


Choosing not to support a developer is denying them a living? Lol.

People don’t want to buy games from people who support viewpoints that treat them badly.

It’s not that complicated. That’s all I really have to say to you. I suggest you take Darken’s advice.


Yeah, this is going to get out of hand quickly.

@veggiebad, you should probably look into the situation more, as the first time this all came up back in April it was because of things the lead dev said on discord. It wouldn’t be the first time this same issue came involving this game.

Wonder Robot D

Congrats on the release! I’ll be checking this out soon!

Wine & Roses

Is it just me or did tinypic destroy this page?

Spiral Flame

Subbed to this. Best of luck!

Ashes of Roses

I came back to play this game again after first playing it during IGMC and it's still killer.

Are there any plans to expand/continue it?

Records in Blue

This looks really neat!


I always come back to replay this game every now and then. It’s a blast.
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