Though I may not look it, I'm really untelligent.
Valor Emblem
TRPG made with Sim RPGMaker95



Protesting miners gunned down by police

I just think that it's wrong to constantly blame the police force when they were probably in an honest threat.

In this situation, the police force's behavior is reprehensible. The people they shot are striking workers who would have responded to "stop immediately or be shot" followed by warning shots. They weren't Jihadi martyrs or zombies.

Keep in mind that the South African Police aren't the same police you and I enjoy in our community. They're shrouded with accusations of torture, extra-judicial killing, extortion, all that stuff. I'm sure they attend their own little police academy, and get their own colored uniforms, but are these guys really much better than local-warlord thugs with authorization to apply force? I'm not in position to make that call, but the records look ugly.

Anyway, I get the impression that the workers were running away from something. Maybe they "charged" the cops thinking they would get protection from whatever it was to their back. We'll never know because they were gunned down as soon as they emerged from the tall grass.
My suspected scenarios, based on what little I know :
A) Total accident. The workers ran in the wrong direction at the wrong time. The whole area was probably tense, especially if water cannons and razor wire barriers were involved. One loose cannon cop opened fire, and the rest followed in unison.
B) Blood feud between some workers and guys on the force. They were shot at on one side, and ran to the other, where unprofessional, cowardly cops shot them down in a panic. A deliberate herding so that no single person or group would get blamed.
C) Nefarious company/state plot to get world public opinion on the side of "shut those strikes down". Very unlikely, but not worth ruling out.

For me, the far-fetched scenario is that a group of working males, who want to improve the standard of living for their families, would sacrifice themselves in some bloodlusted, head-on charge.

Cell phones.

I have a Koodo phone and plan. Don't know the exact specs of the phone itself because that shit doesn't interest me.
This is my first one, and I got it for practical reasons. Needed a new phone in general, and it makes more sense to have one cell phone for everywhere than a landline for home and nothing when my car breaks down.

Great Loss

Awww, wtf. Why'd he leave? :(

Picture of the Moment Club

Saturation bombing kentona with image links kind of defeats the purpose of user suggestion vs admin selection for the PotM :| Here's just a couple from me.
The Pirate Rush map that started all the buzz
Stylish use of the default battle system
Action game. A rarity 'round these parts
FE will probably get 10 new subscribers if you PotM this

RMN v4.3 Bugs

Alternatively, just add the featured banner to the top of the Full Games List.

(zealously defending the sanctity of Featured Game yet again)

Trillogy of FF Fangames. Staff needed.

Everybody wants to be the idea man.

Set a gamedev goal for today.

Great thread idea.

I'm going to write some class descriptions for future use on my gamepage.

Protesting miners gunned down by police

A strike begins with workers simply refusing to work.
Intimidation and aggression tactics ordinarily begin on the employer/state's side. As the workers arm themselves to guard against Battle of the Overpass style brutality, the violence level escalates. Ongoing violence supports the company/states' case to shut them down more often than it does the workers' case to keep up the good fight.

There's a reason thousands of workers are striking/demonstrating, and it isn't because they're a mob of ruffians who want to go around chopping up cops. What prompted a group of them to "charge" the police when all you have to do to strike is sit down and cross your arms? Add to that, the use of the phrase "illegal strike", which shows a clear bias by Al Jazeera.*
This whole thing stinks of setup. You can get away with a lot of shit in rural Africa.

*All strikes are illegal. It's the whole point of them. Concerted democratic action to force TPTB to accede to your demands. Codifying various strike behaviors as 'legal' or 'illegal' is counterproductive to the whole concept.

Dragon's Tear is no more..

I kind of prefer the old title.
Among Thieves sounds like a sub-title. Like, Final Fantasy : Among Thieves. Dragon's Tear was a definitive, epic title that could signify a whole series. Like, Final Fantasy. Sure, it had "dragon" and "tear" in it which are accepted as cliche, but they also benefit from being characteristic of a jRPG.

Dragon's Tear : Among Thieves
Maybe I'm just rambling because it's late and I'm tired.

The Direction of RPG Maker Community

Why are political or religious debate topics locked immediately, while this mud-slinging shitfest is allowed to rage on for 6 pages?

And no, that's not how it works. People remember.

You're rating yourself pretty highly if you think anybody will see you in a thread a week from now and think "it's that lousy guy from before". I'm telling you that it isn't the way it works. Yes, we're engaged in a heated discussion here and now, in this thread, but in the Screenshots thread, nobody's going to call you out. You can even go try it right now.

Anyway, you seem to be more interested in bickering for bickering's sake.
Also, drop the social economical political biology, brain-surgeon-by-night act. You're not smart. You're just a troll.