Though I may not look it, I'm really untelligent.
Valor Emblem
TRPG made with Sim RPGMaker95



RMN's 5 Year Anniversary 5-hour

But now Dino > Fred.

Why was Fred Flintstone angry after the earthquake? Because he found Rubble on top of his wife.

RMN's 5 Year Anniversary 5-hour

Has it been a year already? How time flies.
I may call in sick for work that day to participate >:3 Depends how off-guard the theme catches me.

Help with RPG Maker Rules

Anything on vgmusic.com is fair game, from what I understand. Same goes for other huge midi library sites. If you take music off a composer's own website, fire them an email asking for permission.
Be wary of pulling songs from other projects though. The creators of those games might have gotten specific permission to use that music in their project. An example would be if you took CastorOnline's music out of a copy of Forever's End sitting on your hard drive.


I'm more interested in the enemy. Is it a female bear with a pony tail or a yellow skunk standing on two legs? Or am I wrong on both counts?

Commercial games are not allowed on RMN

Well, I wouldn't really mind that as long as it was an interesting read. However just dropping a link and a "Hi guyse gimme you're moneys" wouldn't sit all that right with me...

They would just copy and paste what they have on other sites (much like we do when we drop our game off at other forums). As their effort goes, it's essentially the same thing as "Hi guyse gimme you're moneys". RMN would become a place to dump your commercial project in the hope of a few more sales, causing unnecessary site clutter.

I'm really not getting why people can't just go to other sites for other games :\

Interracial Relations

... I'm not gonna lie, I seriously don't find racism funny. Some racist jokes yes, but I think it's more appropriate that if you seriously find racism funny, please at least keep it to yourself.

I find racism funny.
It's hard to describe in words, but it's not because of some predisposition against people of other ethnicities or anything. It's just a passive enjoyment of a primitive mindset that's blown totally out of proportion by people who absolutely must have butthurt over political incorrectness.
Besides. Stereotypes are fun. They're a lot like snowball fights, wife(husband) jokes, and razzing between friends. Just mind the line and whose listening, and it's all in good fun.

Story line Maker Event

By the way, is there a particular font/paragraphing format you'd prefer us to deliver the submission in?
I'm partial to writing in Times New Roman at size 10 font, single spaced. Will that be fine?


I was called a troll for pointing out the lack of something that's been a game-save staple since Dragon Quest 1.
I'll elaborate so you know what I meant, but if what I say is meandering trollish jibba jabba, just say so and I'll shoo.

In the save-select screen, most RPGs will show the hero's name (when it's changeable), or the current mix of characters in a variable-party system, or the location of the party, or even just the level of the main hero.
As it stands now, the only identification here is the Chapter the file is taking place in (and Play Time, which may vary wildly based on player exploration or lack of). Now I don't know if the Chapters in this game increment every couple of minutes worth of gameplay or if they're huge Acts like in Suikoden. It's still a very broad means of identifying what that particular save file contains, and the end result will be a bunch of save files all titled "Final Chapter". Factor in standard RPG practice of multiple save files per person for a single playthrough, and there might be some "where is it?" happening.

If the script is polished and ready to go, and adding a name or a location would require massive new coding and recompiling, then it's definitely not worth it. People can make do.


aka "call of the troll"

Fantastic :O
But it's missing file distinction. Was it my Chapter Zero, or my friend Biff's Chapter Zero.

Why would your friend Biff be playing your copy of Porcupine Princess?

Because we live in the same house and share the same computer (our family isn't rich). Also, my little sister might want to play too.


Fantastic :O
But it's missing file distinction. Was it my Chapter Zero, or my friend Biff's Chapter Zero.