extreme disappointment
A determined mother, a town from her past and a dark secret.



What I like about checking back on this site is esby is still esby, and unfortunately I don't mean that in a good sense.

i am a unicorn
arc is a eunuchorn

hey kentona, why should you never fight a dinosaur

Yes! Let's censor people so others can get "the fucking sour taste out of their mouth"!

But hey, I don't want to ruin your joke status :P

hey kentona, why should you never fight a dinosaur

hey libby can you delete IF and Sooz' posts, they did it again

hey kentona, why should you never fight a dinosaur

you'll get jurasskicked

What I like about checking back on this site is seeing how little has changed and unfortunately I don't mean that in a good sense.

on the bright side though ratty, at least you don't need to read corf's posts anymore

i saw your early monster rpg stuff on twitter, how's that going? clamtot is my jam(tot)

2 days ago was browsing TVTropes for story ideas. Instead of helping, felt confused. For me, it's difficult to implement ideas this way.

i think you'd get more inspiration from reading what dog are you buzzfeed listicles than from tv tropes

Hi Max, bye Max.

hi max, bi max, date cute boys max

dear kentona. this is a vote of no confidence, please hand the site over to me

too late it's already mine now bugger off

dear esby please stop trying to take over the site thanks

you have an alt, kentona has an alt
alts are against the rules
fucking hypocrites

dear kentona. this is a vote of no confidence, please hand the site over to me

I only take orders from Nemera
Also the mods I guess because they can ban me

Make Kenton American and make him the real president! Esby can be the press secretary. Seems like a good job for him.

If someone wants to become a powerless figurehead whose only job around here is to pay for the bills every month, then I say let him pay!