Unfinished Stories
Become a hero in this lovingly drawn comic book adventure!



Create-your-own-team or predefined characters?

I want to implement a system to create your own team (kinda like in FF1), but doing so would have to re- do a lot of enemies , bosses and also to rebalance skills , but I think it's worth it, what do you think?


My game (Cave Adventure ) is a simple "dungeon-crawler"

Besides putting a basic group of 2 attackers, a magician and a healer, also I added several skills and enemies who work around these skills ( enemies with high evasion , high armor, counter physical attacks , resistant to certain elements , etc. (Some skills work better on certain enemies, for example, take aim and quick attack is effective against enemies with high evasion))

Now, several people have told me "where 's the story ?, who are these people ?" When my goal is to make them without personality ...

Then I remembered Final Fantasy 1, you can create your own team , which creates replayability (Many different combinations besides personal challenges as : 4 white mages or solo runs)

The only problem is the balance , my idea of ​​effective skills against certain enemies is hard to do, if I have an enemy made of ​​water resistant to all attacks but thunder? Previously, the magician has the necessary skill , but now , what happens if you choose a group of 4 warriors?

Now , I can do two things: Either do as FF1 where most of the enemies only attack or create the necessary skills for all classes

Both ideas are bad, the first would be simply boring , and the second would make all the classes very similar

(Sorry, google translate)

New version!

Once I have the sphere is it supposed to work then or after another event.
Speaking of such, now that I have the sphere which doesnt work, what/where is I posed to go/do now?

Go to the tower in the starting town

Final Fantasy Legend VX Ace

Party building, however, not so much as of yet!

I guess I'll have to wait until it is possible, do you have any estimated time? what if you do it with events , then you put it in scripts

Final Fantasy Legend VX Ace

I'm not at all familiar with this entry in the Final Fantasy series. What makes it special?

Three differents classes: Humans, Espers and Monsters

Humans get stronger with items (HP200 increases HP, some itemes increase strentgh and agility)

Espers randomly get stats up after a battle, they can use magic too

Monsters can eat meat which transforms the monster, you can even transform in some bosses

Final Fantasy Legend VX Ace

Gonna give it a try

Edit: The meat bug makes Ririr useless, and I don't want 2 humans in my team because they are very costly

I'll wait for you to fix Ririr and add custom teams

Oracle of Tao

Gonna try this game, wish me luck

Edit: Time for a mini-review!

Sorry, but I can't play this, it feels like a unfinished mess with tons of features added just because "it's cool"

I was writing what comes to mind while playing , here is:

- I talk with this old woman and then... I have no idea what happens, everything is very random

- I want to save the game ... and for that I opened about 3 menus , I experiment a bit with the custom text boxes but It was difficult to read the text or ugly colors, or both

- I start the game at level 99, great...

- Cloud , I mean, Nevras joins my team for no reason

- I'm noticing that rain occurs randomly but is very short I even get to last less than a second, making it useless

- I found a "magic door" to... save the game , unnecessary...

- I found the cemetery , despite being level 99 these enemies are a little hard

- They killed Ambrosia and Nevras can not escape by itself, I have to wait for them to kill Nevras , Nevras has 9200 hp and ghosts can only take maximum 200 hp when using dark ( but sometimes they do 0 damage ), but repeatedly decide to attack ( 0 damage) or cast lullaby (sleep) , Nevras can't hurt them, here is when I thought , this is a disaster

If I had to rate this game it woulb be a 0.9/5, it needs tons of work

Sorry man, I can't play this game, I hope you can fix many of the problems, good luck

(Btw, I used google translate, sorry for any errors)

[Suggestion] Go to the next image with the arrows keys

Several times I saw images of a game and I like to give them a quick look and move on to the next but the problem is that my mouse is defective and I would like it to be possible to move to the next image with the arrows keys

Do not know if this is difficult to implement but it is something so simple and so useful that I think would be a good addition to the page

When you want to stop making games...

Thanks for all the suggestions, what I normally do is do something once a day , even if it's just changing a little event

But yeah, I 'll take 2 or 3 days off and return with the maker

When you want to stop making games...

I'm sure I'm not the only one that this happens, when you're creating a game and think: Is worth continuing with this?

I know what you gonna say , take a break and come back when you can, but when I return to a game after so long I lose the " inspiration " and I have to start from scratch

Any advice ?

Oh, and sorry for any errors, I'm using google translate

Let's Play Risen 1-5

Good video, now I want to replay Risen...