Hey, what's up? My name is Feldschlacht IV, but a lot of people also call me Mog, so that's fine too. I like working on my game, and I also like downloading some of your games and giving them a spin as well. I'm also big on community related things to get all of us together for whatever reason. If you're sticking around here, you'll definitely see more of me in the future.

See you later!
Chronology of the Last E...
One man tries his luck against the world and everything in it.
Review Info Rating
Is it good? Yes. Can it be great? Yes.
  • The Realms Shattered
09/24/2009 06:19 PM
Another look at a legendary title.
03/13/2009 08:33 PM
An excellent game, and inspiration for gamemakers everywhere.
  • Balmung Cycle Part I: The Messenger and the Heretic
03/13/2009 07:49 PM
Pages: 1