I am the Jester.

I make games using JavaScript, C, C++, Mercury, Java, Assembly (amd64 and UltraSparc) and Python. I used to use Sphere a lot, but I'm more into C/C++ and Mercury nowadays. I still use JavaScript and embed it sometimes, and I usually use Python for build systems and system management.

I wrote TurboSphere, which is a recreation of the Sphere Game Engine with a number of major improvements. I'm not really working on it anymore.

I'm surely going to finish making a game someday. I mean, sooner or later, it's bound to happen. Right?
turn-based strategy game of war and city building



MinST Review

SDL2 is a very nice graphics library for C. It's one of the more straightforward graphics libraries (I learned C while learning how to use it), but it's also one of the most capable.

You may want to look into the "Control Codes" for the terminal/console. They are small sequences of bytes you can write out that will change the color or style of the characters. You could use them, for instance, to make units for each side a different color to help differentiate them.

Alternatively, if you wanted to keep using the terminal, you may want to look into the termcap or ncurses libraries. They are primarily for Linux/Unix, but I believe there are ports to Windows as well. They definitely work under Cygwin for Windows, at the very least.
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