

What are you thinking about right now?

Link! You have 98,549,999,265,620 days to stop the moon from falling!
Save us, Link!

cool science bro

Nomic, because why the hell not? [Sign-ups only, now closed]

what? ok i'm in

I think I am going to change "Notices" to "Posts on Final Fantasy Fangames"

i don't think final fantasy fangames are that great.

i wish people would make more original things and pay more attention to the original things that are made.

oh shit i forgot irony for this post

Balmung Cycle Part I: The Messenger and the Heretic

Personally I didn't liked this game

but now you do?

fix your grammatical tense or i'll balmung your cycle

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Should there be that many leaves in the street though? There is only a light sprinkling of leaves elsewhere. Anyways, if I was going to leave piles it wouldn't be on the road where they can get hit by cars heh

i am pretty sure they have been swept into piles in the gutters like irl.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

link- i was going for like...raked up leaves in piles for collection. maybe i can illustrate that better. thanks for actually commenting on the mapping.

craze- no offense but I expected a better attitude about using rips from you. I've been looking through some games you developed and...if you put them all side by side they all look like the EXACT same lifeless game.

i know craze dissed you pretty unfairly but still, these screens look fine they are not lifeless at all dude. they are not zomg amazing but lifeless is going too far.


this however is fucken beautiful! i really really really like it. what engine is it being made in? is there gampag?

Estopolus: Requiem of Spirits

this looks pretty neat

i may playtest if you will tell me how many hours of commitment are involved

I'm scared of self-switches.

use the following protocol to determine whether you should use a switch or a self switch

ask yourself..."does this event need to be referenced by or effect anything else?". if the answer is no, then a self switch is fine. i usually use self switches for treasure chests, except the few that are plot dependent and trigger cutscenes or whatever.

also lockez little script-nugget is super useful


whoa this is pretty

i like it.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

teleportation is neat don't you think?


this is actually pretty funny.