I'm sort of making an RPG maker game? It won't be one of those super-serious high-quality amazing games that (I just made myself feel bad ._.)
--It's a murder mystery!

I'm really bad at names and I'm not good at keeping focused (I'm focusing on the game though; promise!)

I garden a lot so that eats up a lot of time. (Sorry)

It'll be a LONG while before anything gets done, I just wanted to make an account in advance.

I do have a tumbler that I sort of update on:
(The 'E' on my keyboard selectively works and sometimes I don't notice.)

I've played this! :: a playlist on

The God of Crawling Eyes
Survival horror/adventure game for the 2013 Halloween Contest
Dreaming Mary
The adventure through a girl's final dream.
A young girl named Ib visits an art gallery with her parents. While observing the many exhibits, she suddenly realizes she is alone.
Queen Mary's Script Reto...
An adventure game detailing the story of Mary and her newfound doll.