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Looking Back: Vaporware Special Part One

I don't know, these are vaporware but they still inspire people. I would honestly look forward to play any of these games really. I trolled Neophyte for like a year to release his game even in part, but really I just wanted him to work on games again.

I think these games were learning experience regardless, should ask what the game designers have to say about it. I know Neophyte did a few things that weren't done by anyone else at the time.

I'm sure most of these guys have playable content as well, however having playable content does not equal a a complete experience. Perhaps their vision wasn't met? There are lot of development pitfalls that occurs.

Believe it or not, these kind of games are what inspired me the most. Every new gem fueled me and I'm sure many others as well. There was this weird level of competition that existed in GW and abroad around that time. Sure, some people were just looking for fame but other designers were only really trying to express their creative ideas.

"Vaporware" titles and hype in general can be generated from a few screenshots lol. It's often not even the intention of the creators to over hype their game.

Melly and friends created a pretty cool archive of some vaporware vids:

Might want to check that out Tau.

Design & Beauty: A Look At Art Direction


This isn't something you can just be told Lockez. The whole point of the article was to shed light on the topic as it is often overlooked. From there you study and experiment. If you meant like specific examples, then yes I could do a write about that.

The point I was trying to get across was you do not have to be an "art person". In fact, you're limiting yourself by speaking in that nature.

A lot of artists are great artists, but an equal amount of artists lack vision / creativity with regards to concepts. Being great at creating graphical art doesn't always translate to creating memorable, distinguished art. Learning the process is half the battle. Applying art is something you learn by catering to your own vision. What type of art do you like? Look at some examples from other games if you need to. What styles do you prefer? Try to apply those styles, art direction isn't something that should be addressed on its own. It should complement other areas in the game for example, it's better to look at the whole picture. The writing, music, gameplay, etc. These are easy was to fuel yourself with ideas and make it easier to come up with ideas of how you'd like the art to look and feel like.

If you want to learn how to apply art then I mentioned a few general things you could do.

There are various ways you can handle art direction and I felt it would be limiting to sit there and tell you how to apply art. That's like asking a coder how to make a CMS or CBS.

That endeavor is something you learn on your own, or it doesn't start until you set out to improve / flesh your ideas. Set goals, like what would you like to accomplish? Like if you were creating a scene, what emotions would you be trying to convey? What mood? If the character was about to breathe in his / her last breath... What type of setting would you select? What colors would be appropriate? How would you handle lighting?

I don't like telling people how to select art styles or applying them because I think that's something the user should think about themselves.

I apologize if this article wasn't what you were looking for but my goal was to hopefully put you in the right mindset. If you don't know where to start then you're welcome to contact me and let me know the specifics.

Selecting the right medium: Intrinsically motivated work

Boo! ~ Ghast

Creating a Custom Game Installation & Expansion Pack Tutorial

Boo! ~ Ghost

Creating Immersive Worlds, Interesting Characters & Non Linear Plots

This works well with games that have good gameplay, fun dialogue, and something that is pretty important for these type of games, graphics!
No it isn't. You can write a good story without graphics. You can even have a good story if it's a purely text game. Writers have been doing this for centuries.

What are you talking about? You took a quote out of context and made a point that makes no relation to it.

I said if you're going to use a really simplistic/generic story then you should have some other redeeming future. Cool scenarios, some better character development would help but having nice graphics and great gameplay features would be a huge visual pull factor to your game. Having a light hearted story, with below average graphics, below average gameplay features, etc will easily make your game forgettable.

In other words if you're going to use a really bare story, then you SHOULD focus on improving other areas of the game.

Creating Immersive Worlds, Interesting Characters & Non Linear Plots

Glad you like it. I'll perhaps make more in the future.
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