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The SMBX Community

Hi. I'm Gigabowser, aka Savordez aka Wind. (It'd be lovely if someone could change my username to Savordez because I'm sick of having millions of usernames) Okay, now since I introduced myself I can get straight into business. You know SMBX, right? Of course you do. A fangame created by the creator of Terraria. Definitely. So, let me give you a quick history lesson. The more you know!

SMBX was released in 2009 by Redigit. It was pretty popular, and its official forum had quite a lot of traffic. Months passed. Redigit released new versions (1.1.2 introduced the spin jump, 1.2 added Tanooki Suit, Hammer Suit and other jazz, 1.2.2 had three new characters.) Everyone assumed SMBX to be cancelled, but Redigit released 1.3 shortly after, which brought in new enemies, Ice Flower and other stuff. Redigit then received a phone call from Nintendo, forcing him to take down all SMBX videos from his channel and hand the website, to Nintendo. The community then split into different forums.

Nice, you didn't fall asleep. I tend to make quite boring lectures.
Now, the community (This forum and this forum) is merging to a new forum, here. The website was created yesterday, and pretty much everything there is still WIP. Why am I telling you this? The guys there know pretty much everything about SMBX and if you have anything to ask, you can do that there. And, I thought it'd be a good idea to introduce you to the community as well. Gee, this turned out to be a gigantic wall of text, and you probably knew more than half of this stuff.

Also, note: the SMBX community has its own level design habits. They like making pretty lengthy levels with tons of custom graphics, so expect to get a lot of feedback 'bout that. Here's an example about the level design habits I'm talking about.

If you'd post a level with an SMB3 star placed like that in a contest, judges would take out points because of it. The roulette exit is supposed to be in the square frame, not the star.

kthnxbai, merry christmas
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