Sometimes when driving down a heavily forrested road I look at the shadows the trees cast and think,
"I wish I had an overlay for that".





Cancelled huh? WELL! Can't judge you since thats where most of my projects end up.

Wonders Inc.

I played this with the intention of reviewing it but, to be honest, I think any review I wrote would be in complete agreement with Calunio's review - I really don't have anything more relevant to add. The puzzles start off too easy to be truly entertaining and then get so difficult that they are incapable of being entertaining. The general idea is good, but you really need someone else to make some puzzles for you...

Okay. Then I will definitely review Calunio's criticisms in great detail. Thank you a lot for your time in playing this game. I'll definitely improve for my next project.


This is great! Do the weather patterns change? Does this rpg use the population control type encounters? What about the civillian occupancy level? Great features.


I like that curved fence.


I like the actual panorama and tiles seperately, but the fact that there are trees on the tileset and lighter colored grass throws me off a bit.

Oceanus Selene

When did you start production on this? I should start playing more rm2k games again. I'll give it a whirl.


This is ... Perfect.

I need your help! Stylistic Choices!

Onion head. There are no other options.