I'm going to be the only one excited for Sonic Boom and it's okay.


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*googles it*

....What am I looking at here? Why is Knuckles so weird looking?
You should watch the trailer. It looks pretty different for Sonic but fun.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
... I'm going to have to get used to that new art direction. I'm at least glad Sega's attempting a game where you play as multiple characters again, and it doesn't look so bad judging from the trailers... But why the reboot?
It's not a reboot it's just for this game. Ditto on multiple characters though.
The only redesign is Knuckles. Everyone else just has different clothes.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
The only redesign is Knuckles. Everyone else just has different clothes.

Sonic is a little taller, has more hairs on his quills, and his arms are blue instead of cream-colored.

Interestingly enough, Amy keeps her cream-colored arms, but along with the rest of the cast her arms and legs are less "rubber tube" like and more "stick" like.

Knuckle's design changes are obvious, though it kind of looks like they stuck the original, more youthful design's head on a bigger body. It looks weird.

Tails has changed the least out of all these characters.

... I guess I notice these things a lot better since anything related to character design/animation is my profession. :P
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