I'm secretly hoping my computer crashes so I can give up some of these ongoing projects.
Hero Panic
Half the people disappeared, and strangers from multiple worlds have arrived -- when Rin is targeted by the city's new imperial regime, will she survive the chaos, or be crushed under its weight?



Let's Play: Dungeon Crawl! Party of Four! - Parts 01 - 04

Oh wow, I haven't been on this site for a while. Thank you so much for uploading these! Can't wait to check them out.


This was a really, really fun game. It was short and sweet, and when I got done, I wished there was more.

It's cool how every play-through is different. My first run of the night consisted of a Cleric. Have to say, this is the first RPG I've played where my main character was a pure Cleric, and I liked it.

I like how you handled everyone having four skills, one of which was a free-cast. And at least one (iirc) of the skills was a "mode." I enjoyed how you could toggle the mode and have benefits either way you decided to play. At first, the combat frustrated me because it felt slow, but then I realized what you were doing. I began taking my time and wearing down the enemies, and I had a blast after I figured out your system.

Also, if you don't mind me asking, what plugins were you using for the skill swap? You use the skill, enter a mode (status), and the skill swaps out with another. I've tried to do something like that before, but it just tosses the newly learned skill to the bottom of the player's skill list. How did you accomplish this?

Anyways, this was a lot of fun. I've been in kind of a slump lately, and this helped inspire me to get working on my own projects. Finally, the score card from my first play-through is there in the spoiler tag. It's a bit large even after I reduced it in size, but here ya go. Next time I'll likely fight more monsters.

Not the greatest run I've had in a game, but I felt accomplished.

Just an fyi in regards to RMNs slack and IRC

Next stop, Discordville

Is this where everyone is going?

I haven't been active on this site for a while. Back when I was, however, I spent a good bit of time in Slack, though it appeared to be petering out even back then.

I've never used Discord. Is that where everyone is moving to?

Why didn't YOU play this game? (LET ME HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS)

Thanks for your comments everyone! Sorry I haven't been around much to reply a whole lot.

@Archeia_Nessiah: Yeah if I ever went for these kind of graphics again, I'd probably skip the whole 8-color thing and actually move to an 8-bit appearance. I did enjoy the outdated palette, personally, though I don't feel I'd use it again because it was quite limiting.

There's a game I think which does this better: it's an RPG Maker game which was never finished, called Nightmare Castle, which is in the line of Yume Nikki fan-games. I'd link to it, but the last time I tried to download the game, I may have gotten some malware from an infected site. If you happen to find it, to search for its images or video, they use the 8-color palette I did... but I think the developer also pulled it off much better.

@demonlord5000: Thanks for your feedback! You made a couple interesting points. First, about the question on how battles work, you can die in combat, but when your party is wiped out, instead of getting a game over screen, you're simply placed where you were before you began the fight.

Secondly, you bring up an interesting point I may mention in another topic. I know I may be digressing a bit, but this is what was brought to mind: we as developers come up with a lot of "remove-the-hassle" features in our games. Skippable introductions, skippable tutorials, removing game-over states, having options to turn off battles, removing options for grinding, etc. But at the same time, I've been watching a lot of RPGM reviews and I'm noticing that things we tend to champion, tend to be disliked and criticized by others outside of the RPGM community. I've seen some interesting critiques about these things, and I may open up a topic about this in the future to share what I've seen.

@suzy_cheesedreams: Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed working on ways to make the character's personalities be somehow reflected in their skills. For the most part their conversations are terse, but I'm glad the skills show what type of people they are.

@dasgibtesnet: Thanks for your comments! I always appreciate feedback.

@Cap_H: Oh, thank you! This game and I have our very first fan! That was actually very, very encouraging, so thank you so much. I would like to continue the saga, perhaps by creating an Archstone 2 which would be a lot more story focused, with still a hefty emphasis on enjoyable combat. I think if I were to create it, I'd come up with a different art style. Perhaps something along the lines of digital watercolor-ish? I'm not a great digital artist yet, but I could work at it.

I'll definitely keep in touch if I decide to start putting Archstone 2 together. Thanks!

Development Methods:Which ones are your favorites?

Here are three things I always do.

1. Common Events

Common Events are the most important thing to me. One of my games, the Halloween Board Game, is pretty much 100% common events. There is only one event on the game's map (outside of moveable graphics) and all it does is call the common event.

I stick common events within common events. My common events have common events. I save rows and rows of things as common events. An example of some things I'll use it for:

Item-Get Sound Effect: This is always Common Event #1 because I use it so much. Got a new item? Use this common event before the text. Don't like the sound and want to tweak it game-wide? Instead of going inside each and every event and changing it, I simply change the common event. It's also good to have another common event dedicated to "Key Item Get" with its own unique sound to help the player differentiate between the two.

You got a Potion: This is a pretty standard, and easy to adjust, common event. I'll dedicate dozens of Common Event slots to the most common items my players will encounter. Is there a potion in a dungeon? There's a CE for that. Do you know how someone earlier mentioned to leave frequently used events in a hidden map? I'll do that for my potions, and I'll fill it with common events. So every time the player gets a potion, I just use that specific common event. The common event itself will usually call another couple common events. It has to...
  • Call a common event for the item-get sound effect.

  • Call a common event to change the message box settings, because I like to change the display (I usually shrink it to 2 rows).

  • The actual "You found a potion" text the player reads, and the adding of that item to the player's inventory.

  • The turning on of the self-switch, which doesn't apply globally, but to the event on the map the CE is attached to.

  • Another common event to change the message box settings back to default.

Its gotten to the point where, outside of transfers and other things, every event on my map tends to have some kind of common event. Shopkeepers are great to common event as well, as you can make them all have a general opening statement, an inventory relevant to the player's level - if you do that - and anything else I want to be standard for the flow of the game. Innkeepers as well.

I'll create cutscenes for door animations, instead of using the default. I'll have the door open, have the players walk through it, gather the party, fade the player graphics out, then close the door, fade the screen. I'll use this in my template door events. Then I'll use a second common event dedicated to fading the screen back in after the transfer command.

I'll even put cutscene text in common events if they are significant to the plot. It aids me in changing it later. Sometimes I'll sit and read through it and tweak the conversations a little, here and there. Very smooth, especially if you have move the cutscene trigger event to a different position throughout the world. Also, if you're using the method I talk about in point 3, this is very handy for later.

Common Events for life.

2. Templates for everything.

Everything has a template. Everything in the database has slots for adding additional items in their respective category. If I'm making skills particular to a character, I'll leave a bunch of empty spaces after. If I'm making healing items, I'll leave a bunch of spaces for that. I'll create empty skills that simply act as "Folders," leave about 20 slots after it, and create a new Folder.

Then I'll create templates for every spell, every item, every enemy type. My physical attack formula, if I'm dealing with low numbers, tends to be something like a.atk - b.def. My magic tends to be a.mat - b.mdf. My heals tend to be a.mat + b.mdf + (b.luk * 0.75).

I'll template my classes. I'll make a general standard and apply it to everything, then tweak it from there.

That magic formula above? Some people may see it as underwhelming. I can change these templates after I test it. Perhaps I want to make it 15 + a.mat * 2 - b.mdf. Maybe I want to keep it a.mat - b.mdf and make everyone's magic attack stat higher than everything else, a'la Pokemon's stat system. Wouldn't it be nice if there were common formulas that functioned like common events?

3. Create your entire game with filler, then build it.

Yanfly has made this method more popular recently, and it's something I also do, and I greatly recommend. This is known as "how to actually know if your game is fun", or as I like to call it, "finish your game first, then make it".

Basically his comic - click here to check it out - details his method. You're creating filler for everything.

If you're an artist like I am, you probably like making the graphics for the game. You may be bummed about using filler RTP for your graphics and world. It's tough, because you want to see results up front, but I strongly recommend either 1. having custom graphics ready before you begin, or 2. creating them all at the end. Sure, it may be underwhelming throughout the process, but it's much better than, you know, getting partway through making a game and throwing the whole thing out because it isn't fun.

This method, popularized by Yanfly, is great. You lay out the game, you use fillers, you play it to see if it's fun, and you craft the plot. Basically, throw down filler, get your game mapped out, then go back and built it up in parts over time. His method of using maps as Folders is helpful as well.

It's a great method, and it's pretty much how I built most of my games when I released a bunch last year. It will help you see what's fun with your game, and what's not enjoyable. You're stripping the gameplay to the bare basics and seeing if it's still an enjoyable game. It's also good for letting you know if you've got a good thing going that's enjoyable to play, or if you should spend some more time working with the concept (or perhaps, toss it all together). Plot-wise, it makes you lay down the essentials of your story so you don't get to the part where you say "okay, what do I do next?" Highly recommend this method.

Nakaishi Wars

Yeah I noticed the crew quarters and sick room, and it made me feel as though I missed a hidden event.

I completely understand what you mean. If you ever do come back to the project, you've got a fan!

Why didn't YOU play this game? (LET ME HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS)

@Marrend: I'm glad to hear you're feeling inspired lately! That's something I've had trouble with: I feel like I released a bunch of games in 2016, and I had all of these projects I was completing, but this year I've been exceptionally busy, and I haven't had the kind of inspiration I used to. Hopefully that will change.

@LockeZ: Thanks for your feedback! I guess the graphics were pretty bad. After all, they literally made someone feel pain just by looking at them (Nessy's post).

I also think you're right about the hook. I wanted the battles themselves to be the hook, because the game is essentially a 20-minute boss rush. Perhaps I don't articulate that well enough in the game page description, or maybe that's a poor/uninteresting hook? Definitely something I'll work on in the future. Thanks!

Nakaishi Wars

I really, really liked this game. The feeling of seeing the entire crew come out of the ship for the final battle was awesome, and when it was finished, I wish I knew more about the characters and their world.

I think there's loads of potential here. Any thoughts on continuing the game or expanding it into a larger story (sequel)?

Why didn't YOU play this game? (LET ME HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS)

@Cap_H: I think you're right! Online presence is something I've always struggled with. Part of it, I think, is because I never make much adeu about my own games. I just pop them out and announce "I did a thing", and they usually disappear. If I start developing again, hopefully I'll change that.

I do like the idea of an Archstone 2! But 16 whole colors!? Let's not get crazy here! Heh

@kentona: I can imagine. Especially having children: that's something I don't think I could manage at the moment.

As for Diablo 3 that I saw in there, that's something that pulls my attention away every few months. It'll grab me in a vice grip and refuse to let me do anything else in my free time.

@CashmereCat: Thanks! If you do get the chance, I hope you enjoy it! It's something I had to work hard on getting juuust right, and it was tough to come up with ways to make the battles engaging. Let me know how you feel about it!

July 2017 Progress

This sounds great dude. Hope it goes smoothly! Also, congrats on your decision to go commercial with it. That's something I'd like to do some day.