Well, I've had ideas for RPGs floating in my head since
childhood, I figured it was time to put thoughts into
I want the world I'm making to have details, characters,
and most importantly, an overarching theme.



For rm2k3, can common events take the place of battle events

Thank you to all

For rm2k3, can common events take the place of battle events

This might also be a problem, the specific character is set with their equipment as locked, basically I want to be able to change the equipment but I don't want the player to. Is this not possible?

For rm2k3, can common events take the place of battle events

Thank you, I thought I recall something in the help file about how the equipment will be created if it wasn't present. But I'll probably try experimenting with that.

For rm2k3, can common events take the place of battle events

I want to use a skill to swap the weapons of another combat in the middle of battle.
So far, a common event I put in place is supposed to switch on when another character uses a skill, I made it a parallel process event that changes the equipment then turns its switch off (in case its used again). Its not working, at all, I'm wondering if it would work if I made it a battle event. Is it even possible to change equipment in battle?

(the purpose of this is to change the attack of a character that's on auto-pilot, to give the illusion another character is "commanding" them)
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