I've been working on VX Ace since it came out and I've only recently begun my attempt to work on the script. I apologise if I seem really needy for scripts and scripting tips. I'm trying my best to learn with no programming background.


[SCRIPTING] [RMVX ACE] Damage Calculation Re-Amp and Small Database Edit

Hi everyone, I've been playing with RM VX Ace for a while and the one thing I've been wanting to change from the default engine is the way Defence properties work.
I basically need a script that changes base calculation methods in the engine.
So if any one is up to the challenge of creating a new Damage System script or at the very least telling me how to make a custom formula to change the properties of stats in the following manners below, that would be a world of effort off my back.
Again, feel free to call me crazy.
I'm just not satisfied with the simplistic properties of damage I've seen on the site or any script source.


I need to do the following:

1 - DEF and MDF paramiters in the database need to be relative to percentage of damage reduced.

example: My LV1 warrior has 5 starting DEF thus he naturally takes 5% less
physical Dmg. On top of that, his coat gives +4 DEF so now he takes
9% less physical dmg. In short, 1 DEF in the database = 1% less
physical dmg.

2 - MDF and DEF cap at 75.

3 - ATK and MAT = Actual Damage. I'd like to still be able to mess with a variable of +/- 25%

3 - Elemental attributes apply to Final Damage.

example: A deals 100dmg, B has 50DEF, B takes 50dmg. However,B is weak to
A's attack, thus the final Damage increases by 50% so now B takes 75DMG
(always round up if a decimal is present).

4 - The Best Case Scenario Formula(optional):

(A ATK and/or MAT) + (buffs, de-buffs and armour bonus) + (Skill dmg and effect) + (Damage variable of +/- 25%) + (Weapon ATK and/or MAT) = (A's Attack Power)

(A's Attack Power) ---> (B's Armour DEF and/or MDF) + (B's Buffs and B's DEF and/or MDF) = (Final dmg) X (Elemental multiplier of 1.5 or 0.5)

5 - If the above formula works I want to be able to target(optional).
ANY of the 11 values with skill/buff effects.

Thanks to anyone who actually read this. Hopefully I get at least a reply.

If you also want/need a copy of all my script I'm happy to give it to the person who wants to edit my damage system.
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