Hi all !

I like 16-bits RPGs (especially action RPGs) where you feel the quest behind the lines of code. I also like strategy, puzzle solving, immersive stories, tabletop RPG and LARP.

I'm a hobbyist C programmer who likes to work on custom game mechanics. My very first project was a very basic map generator for Genesia, aka Ultimate Domain

I also want to help developers polishing their projects with my player feedback. So I'll be happy to test your game !

See you around,
Red Balloon of Happiness
Red balloons bring happiness to any home. Any? Are you sure?



RMN's stance on Al.

rats rats rats rats rats

Does anyone even know who I am?

I hate strategy RPGs! ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!

Is it really that hard to make a good SRPG that isn't brutally unfair and frusterating?
I tried.
I as well.
Oops I did it again.

Me too.

I hate strategy RPGs! ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!

Is it really that hard to make a good SRPG that isn't brutally unfair and frusterating?

I tried.

One of my delisted YT videos (Live A Live OST) was posted on a porn site lmao.

Tor protects your privacy. And Qwant respect your privacy because it is hosted in Europe and follows the European privacy laws. Not bush sh!t there !

One of my delisted YT videos (Live A Live OST) was posted on a porn site lmao.

Use a search engine that respect your privacy like DuckDuckGo or Qwant.

PSA: DO NOT Use Unity (Or RM Unite)

when you choose to use someone else's software, you inevitably limit what control you have over what can be done with that software

Incorrect !

Free software like Linux preserve the user control.

PSA: DO NOT Use Unity (Or RM Unite)

I think that's pretty lenient.

It's probably a first measure to test how the engine users react and prepare stronger monetization rules for later.

Another day where I wish I'd picked a different name

You're the best unity! You outclass any engine which steal your name. Moreover, industry professionals foresee the inability to maintain big game engines.
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