Artist, writer, designer, programmer.


CHAIN OF RETRIBUTION - Mechanics designer, Mapping, Co Writer

RUIN FRONTIER 0 - Lead Designer, Story, World Design, Programming

RUIN FRONTIER - Story, World Design, Character Design

Chain of Retribution
A rivalry between sisters threatens to tear down a nation.



Chain of Retribution

Geez i grinded a lot but the green haired mercenary woman still wrecks me. The worst part is that i saved at a point before i got to her battle and now i can't go back to grind some more.
Geez i grinded a lot but the green haired mercenary woman still wrecks me. The worst part is that i saved at a point before i got to her battle and now i can't go back to grind some more.

Hey there, thanks for playing the game! I know it's been a long time but I wanted to respond anyway in case anyone else encounters issues with the boss.

Octavia has an enrage trigger when both of the heavy knights are defeated which makes her extremely fast and damaging. The enrage only occurs after both knights die, however, so the safest way to go about the battle is to take out one of the knights, then Octavia, then the last knight, as she will still be on the defensive in that situation. Alternatively, if you are tough enough or have the damage output, you can go straight for Octavia. As long as she isn't the last to fall you'll do fine.

Forced Recall

reminds me of that jennifer lopez movie...

Tough Puzzle runner game with 4 types of puzzles of 3 difficulty levels each. Timer acts as HP as well. On my first run I decided to try and get the toughest ones (spikes and godzilla) out of the way first, unfortunately those two combined took me down to 12 minutes. Then the hard ice teleport puzzle single handedly took out all of the 12 minutes. Ended up with a 9/12 bare minimum for the good ending.

Maybe will try for best ending again in some other unspecified time... but these puzzles are tough as nails and I need a break.

I don't know anything about any Jennifer Lopez movies let alone how they tie in to this, but I will take your word for it, lol.

Thanks for giving this a try! Looking back, a lot of the puzzles were pretty trial and error which doesn't exactly do anyone any favors in a timed format, and some of the puzzles are pretty unbalanced (such as how the first two town puzzles were easy but suddenly that door puzzle is hard). Nonetheless I appreciate you sticking with it all the way to the end!


How it comes, I haven't noticed this yet? Gotta play it tonite. I enjoyed the original and this looks mighty interesting.

I would consider change of background, this makes text hard to read as the picture has both light and dark colors.

I made it darker for now until I can figure out a more appropriate background. It should be better now.


I've subbed and I mean to play this game, but I haven't even played the original. I haven't had the time to play any games, but this one looks as good as any. Added to my playlist, and downloaded, although I don't think I'll get to play it anytime soon. Even though this is near the top of the list.

Looks really good.

Don't worry about playing the first game, it's not necessary to enjoy this one. The original Ruin Frontier is actually only a demo, so the full story isn't included yet. This game also chronologically takes place before the original, so if anything it may work better to play this one first.

I enjoyed the game overall, but I had one major issue with it: there is no reason to use any special equipment or abilities outside of the fight against Thunder. Why? Because a Sentinel with Power Claw, Heavy Cannon, and 4 SRX-2 can brute force it's way through everything else. In the final area, the only enemy that could even deal damage was the Cobra.
Other than this balance issue, the game seems to be well made and I didn't notice any real bugs/problems outside of some grammar/punctuation.

That's an interesting strategy, but one of my friends used a different strategy and pretty much just put gauss rifles on interceptors and stacked ENB to blast everything in the first round. The variety is there, but I think that it's not so much a problem of that strategy being broken so much as the game overall being easy.

The main thing to note as well is that when I was designing the dungeons and the enemies, the goal wasn't so much you fighting each individual battle. Rather, it was you fighting the entire dungeon. As a result, I tuned most enemies to do as much damage as possible because every encounter is intended to wear you down or make you spend your repair resources so that if you get to the end, you might be in trouble. Consequently, if your squad ended up becoming being really strong and conquering everything, that's entirely fine, because this isn't a game of scaling difficulty. However, it's well-known to me that the game does end up being on the easy side if you fight as much as you can, and when I balanced the game the first couple times I did it from the standpoint of someone who only fights the bare minimum of battles. Balance is unfortunately one of the areas that suffered due to the time constraint of the contest, and I'd like to get more feedback before I start going crazy with the nerf stick.

It's always fun to see what builds and strategies people come up with in a game like this though. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Chain of Retribution

Only if you're buying.


I must say thanks to everyone for enduring my horrible rushed writing. Any feedback is appreciated as we're definitely looking to improve as much as we can.

Also I doodled something at work pertaining to the game:


ok i'm having to convert all audio to ogg because my machine won't run mp3 >_>
NEVER put mp3 in your rmvxa games
not only it is buggy, it also occupies much more space! :^)

it's alright tho 'cause i'm really eager to play this. ;w;

gonna LET'S PLAY

Good to know, I was having some difficulties with the mp3s myself so I'll keep that in mind for next build (and next project, heh).

Forced Recall

Regarding the ending, it's fine. Read that final message closely, as you may see the slight sarcasm in it. But to explain...(WARNING: SPOILERS)

Based on what you have seen about the 12/12 true ending, do you think the crime REALLY got solved? A crime "solved" with the wrong suspect and the true suspect walking away can't really be considered solved. Heh.

Oh, I see. Clever. But

I believe it was phrased as "the mystery is still unsolved", which made me think it was a fourth-wall breaking thing informing the player whether or not they got the complete ending. It's just a little confusing at first.

Hmm good point, I didn't really establish a narrator. I may have to think about reprhasing that then.

Forced Recall

Hello! I played this and it was fun.

There may be a weird bug though? I got all 12 memory fragments and what appeared to be the "true" ending that explained everything, yet at the end I still got the message that the mystery was still unsolved. Is there some sort of special secret ending or did a switch just not get tripped?

Edit: Oh, and also the download includes a ton of miscellaneous save files that I'm pretty sure are not supposed to be there. Are they leftovers from debugging or something?

Regarding the save files, probably. When I did this new version I think I forgot to remove those.

Regarding the ending, it's fine. Read that final message closely, as you may see the slight sarcasm in it. But to explain...(WARNING: SPOILERS)

Based on what you have seen about the 12/12 true ending, do you think the crime REALLY got solved? A crime "solved" with the wrong suspect and the true suspect walking away can't really be considered solved. Heh.

Forced Recall

This sounds somewhat reminiscent of "To the Moon" (at least the memory diving bit). Just thought I'd mention...

I've been meaning to try that one, so I'm not sure how similar they are. In my game's case it's more of a sci-fi framing device for the plot as well as a nice way to explain the strange RTP worlds you encounter in the game.
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