It's been a few years... I'm not on here anymore, you can find me at itch.io or sometimes gamejolt.

Evil Dawns MV
A Dark Mysterious Horror game. The first game in a series.



Evil Dawns Review

All I can say about the "revisions" part is I do versions much differently than most people, especially back then, and I don't even remember how I did it back then. Keep in mind, I only spent a month working on the game, more or less. I was actually inspired by One Night 2, with the combat being slightly different than most games I've seen. But for a first game, it's much better than a lot I have played.

Also, I knew about all the "oversights", but at the time couldn't figure out how to fix them. The weapons were there cause I did once have a real-time battle, but it kept messing with other needed scripts, so I omitted it. I kept the weapons in their just for the bosses.

I actually, as odd as it may sound, have had an easier time making a 3D version of this game, and also have moved it over to MV where things are much easier. I might upload one last time for this game. Not sure. Thanks for the review, though.
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